Good talk by Bryan Lunduke
Glad he made the point that its software that is the crux of the issue for a lot of devices. I mean ffs I've seen smart tv's released 5 years ago that no longer have basic app support because it runs its own out dated version of android and no it can't be updated because its support is gone.
I have found IoT to be a novelty, yes I play around with some Philips hue lights because it gives me a chuckle, as for it ever being a necessity in my life... not a chance.
just thought of another point
Even non IoT devices are being more and more unreliable, we are a throw away society. And of course we have an issue with planned obsolescence because the next latest and greatest is always around the corner. So idk, perhaps IoT is just a more complex and even worse version of what we have now.
Reminds me of this documentary which I highly recommend.
This was the first lunduke video that I actually enjoyed watching. 99% of IoT are stupid gimmicks. Nobody should be buying them. But what I fear will happen is manufacturers will produce devices that are ONLY IoT.
Brian Lunduke presentations are over rated.
He's really not that great at designing and delivering a presentation. Most of his jokes are just campy techie service or bandwagoning... telling us what we already know.