The Great Game of the Year Debate

Games I enjoyed this year. I don't know if they are GOTY material, but honestly, who cares.


Alien Isolation

Finally a proper Alien game. It is a blast to play and it nails the atmosphere of the first movie like no other Alien games before.


Endless Legend

Best 4X strategy game of the year. It was better than Civ BE and a very refreshing entry in this genre.

Divinity : Original Sin

It is just a fantastic RPG. I loved every second of it and, in my mind, it ranks amongst the best of the genre (Baldur's Gate II, Planescape Torment, Icewind Dale). It feels very classic but it is also very creative with it's very cool combat system. Just get it.


This War of Mine

I loved the way it approached the theme of war. Very refreshing. Not the deepest of game but it is quite challenging at the same time.


The only AAA titles this year that have interested me are Nintendo games on systems I do not yet own, but plenty of indie games have intrigued me this year.

For single player, I would have to go with TRI, and for multiplayer, definitely Insurgency.

There are a ton of other games I haven't been able to play or haven't finished, such as Smash 4 and Transistor, so I might feel differently in the future.

I thought the story was a mess. All the characters were unlikeable and the physics engine was seriously broken. 

he probably just forgot lol, or mixed it up with the Escape the Fate album from '08.

I've only played about 30 hours so far and maybe 15 missions but yeah, the story isn't especially great, and nothing really compared to GTA IV's and older GTA's, Also the broken physics or whatever, they're probably just console things. The game really wasn't suitable for 7th gen at all tbh.

Oh, I usually just go on a rampage lol. Never messed with the missions. 

The last game I thoroughly enjoyed was Tomb Raider 2013 lol so I guess I can't participate in this

Lots of people are mentioning Divinity: Original Sin, might have to go try it out. 

None really. For me GotY will be Bayonetta 2

PC titles were a bit in a slump for me yet the Wii U did have a great year, to bad gamers don't see it.

Buddy of mine got a Wii U.. Mario Cart is some fun shit. 

How could I forget insurgency? Definitely not for everyone, but it gets a 10/10 in my opinion

Honestly, and I'm gonna get shit on for this, but I liked Far Cry 4. Other than some annoying performance bugs on PC the game is really beautiful, and so far, (*cue Scottish accent*) I've been having a great time!

Nah but really, I liked Far Cry 4, lots to do, stunning environments, and less broken than most Ubisoft games in recent. It's like Far Cry 3 with a new (and better looking) skin, and FC3 was a glorious game. 

Prediction: GTA V for pc is game of the year 2015 until The division comes out because i am stoked for that game, i hope it is good!!

Can't think of any that would deserve the title.

I really have not played much games during 2015. The best I got to say is Strider 2014.

Freedom Planet followed by DCS Mig-21. Everything else is really meh to me.