The Great 280 Debate

Then you should be fine I could power it with a CX-500

The old 7970s and 7950s with the silver cooler had a less then favorable reputation. The new double dissipation cards with the black and red cooler from everything Ive seen are middle of the road as far as cards go.

Thanks for the links

I'd get Gigabyte as a first choice,having gigabyte and seeing how well everything works makes me want to keep on buying parts from them. Second choice would be MSI.


yeah i hear a lot of good things about the gigabyte but I am having a though time with the sapphire and the xfx.

I am going to wait and see if the prices come down at all this weekend and i will purchase a card early next week.


Does anyone know if 280x's still have problems with artifacting?

I have always seen them that way. Back 5 years ago the sapphire coolers and what not were the cream of the crop for ATI/AMD cards.

I don't know that is one reason why I started this thread.  I have recently seen issues with MSI and Asus brands but with that said it seems they are the most popular brands therefore will have more review and therefore more negative reviews.

Good Buy?  I know a lot of good things were said about sapphire

I have that one and it has been good so far. From what I can tell I got one with Hynix memory but I cant say how common that is.

yes you should snag that up. Very good deal for a great card.

Well I ordered it :).