I am looking for a set of headphones, as a gift for my 16 year old sister. She isnt too concerned about the audio quality, but they need to last (she is quite abusive to hardware). If they could be stylish and easy to carry around that would be nice as well. A microphone is a must as well
So far i have been looking at the Urbanears Zinken, but i would like have some alternatives to chose from. i was planning to use between 40$ to 70$.
I would like hear your opinions especially if you have used the headsets :)
I know that one lady is using Steelseries Siberia V3 Prism which allow any color led lights, and she said to me that "she doesn't care, all she wanted is the led lights." Their a bit more expensive, but I see the black ones going for $85.38 at Amazon. Link
They do somewhat fit what im looking for, but i can see her ruining that micrphone rather fast :) I was thinking something more like skullcandy which she can also carry around :)