The Friendly File Standard

The Friendly File Specification (FFS) is activated by the presence of ~/.ffs
file and works much like Haiku home directory layout.

It's not an ego thing, its sort of a joke and some commentary and moaning mixed
into a project, but I think it's a reasonable idea too in the same way I use
YYYY/MM/DD for dates. I'm focusing on fish because it offers features I need
for a personal init and makes nicer code.

It grew out of an MTA project, which includes MIME-less, attachment-less UTF-8 only SMTP on port 8, and picking up the .gb domain that the MOD is squatting as
some kind of electronic independence for my island.


~/Config/Scripts (in path)

~/Config/AutoStart (scripts or links, a personal init possibly tied to a tmux)



~/.cache// (if needed at all, perhaps it should be .tmp)

With a modified shell the initial structure can be created without any
.config/fish or .fish, and a combination of aliases environment variables and
config files are needed to support the directories overall, and this is where
I'm getting to the bugs.

Main loop is called diddle

while true
fuzzyclock | toilet -w (tput cols) -f pagga -F metal
printf \n
cat ~/Weather/plots/now.txt | cowsay -s -n | lolcat
printf \n
phoon -l 17
printf \n
sleep 10

Fish Shell

Currnetly it uses .config/fish for auto-generated content, there are stubs in
the source for data, but nothing for cache, comments lead me belive that this
was made to use .fish and the code added for XDG is bad.

One bundled function checks for XDG cache, and then sets the actual env var if
it is not found

Other bundled functions have built on the main code's mistakes too.


On a couple of systems it did not seem to abserve the HTOPRC env because of
poorly done XDG (needs more checking)

And some annoyances that are example of things:

Contraption Maker

Downloaded, extracted and run all game assets from .confg


This was an interesting voxel sandbox game that tried to make a more realistic survival system and a few other things. What pissed me off was in one version someone making it's directories XDG compliant and auto migrating, much arrogance!