The FBI is investigating celebrity-hacking


"The American FBI associate now into the investigation into infringement of Apple's cloud service Icloud.

Actress Jennifer Lawrence and a number of other celebrities could have gotten private materials stolen.

It is still unclear how the hack has gone to. But Apple is reported to have blocked a security hole that allowed intrusion via the "Find my Iphone", where the limit on how many times you can guess the password was very loud set.

Once inside of a user's account has the hacker access to the copy of the content available on Apple's servers ...."

One politician in Sweden said: "I do not do anything I not can stand for in public or on a front pages on a magazine/newspaper"


Shall we feel sorry for celebrities as have been hacked or shall them stand for the mistake on trusting the security in the mobile phone?

Hasn't the security hole that was used been known about for a while, and apple even called it a feature? I've seen that all over reddit anyway.  Kinda hard to feel bad for someone that put their nudes on the icloud and got them stolen, knowing that.

Yea you would think celebs would not put porn of themselves in icloud and just leave it there. But there you go.

It does look like Apple left the find my iphone password login open to brute force attacks. Its been patched by Apple now from what I read.

I know every company is pushing cloud storage and services. But if you're as rich and famous like celebs. You would think there manager / publicist would put them in contact with someone to spend an hour teaching them to look after their digital habits like their drug habits.

Most people don't care to learn anything about the technology they use. They just want it to work, and if it works, they're content. This sad fact is why it can be profitable to be hacker. It's like hackers have a secret knowledge that no one other than other hackers have, and that gives them power, because knowledge is power, especially when things like securing your data and maintaining privacy require a good deal of both knowledge, and effort.


Hacking reminds me of poker in this way. In poker, most players play just for fun, and don't study the game. Therefore, they do dumb things, because they don't know not to do them. Then there are the poker players that study the game, and learn to maximize their expected value. They are able to exploit the ignorant, simply because they know something the ignorant doesn't.



This makes poker, and hacking, very very very cool.

remember this?

even "tech" people don't always secure their info. I don't use any cloud services for my personal data. Bittorrent Sync has replaced that for me.

Securing your phones is more difficult. it's not easy, or convenient, to de-google an android phone.

It's not about the naked pics at all. What do these hollowwood honies care about naked pics.

It's about the prominent bastards they have compromising pics from. Those guys probably really flipped out when they heard the pics were copied. And that's what made the FBI move... or do you still think becoming a hollywood celebrity is a matter of pure theatrical talent...

Didn't the FBI or something of the sort say something like "Anything that leaves your computer (the internet) is considered public."