The Darkroom (Photography and Cinematography Discussion Mega-thread)

No clue. Sorry.

ah well. figured Iā€™d ask since you said you had experience with medium format

Anyone have experience with Sony gear? Iā€™m looking for a wide-angle (10-14mm) e-mount lens with a 1.4 or 2.0 aperture.

Hard max is $800, but Iā€™d much rather spend closer to $400.

Iā€™m guessing that is for the APS-C sensors? The obvious one is the Samyang/Rokinon 12mm. Cheap (-ish), manual, f/2.0, optically ok. I think L1T is or was filming a lot of stuff with that lens on the Panasonic side.

The luxury variant would be the Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8. The problem is that that is not really a great lens. It is pretty good but has some flaws optically (itā€™s better than the samyang but not by much). It has autofocus but only on contrast AF. It has a manual focus ring but that is by wire.
Overall ā€¦ not worth the money.

I actually have no idea what Sony itself has in that rangeā€¦

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Yeah, sure is.

Howā€™d I miss that one!? Thatā€™s looking like an excellent option.

It seems like super-wide lenses are pretty edge-case on full frame.

seconded on samyang/rokinon, great for the money, cine lens variant is just as good but you probably donā€™t need it for that

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On full frame VoigtlƤnder has a couple ultrawides, down to a 10mm actually. :wink:

that 10mm f/.95 is a joy to work with. Getting zebras at night is a powerful feeling and itā€™s tack sharp

1100 bucks tho

ā€¦ for m4/3. Not full frame.

Iā€™m talking about this one:

ah, my bad. yeah never shot with that one

still $1100 tho

Does anyone here have a line on decent OFX effect plugins that donā€™t gost a thousand bucks?

working on a new video project:


@noenken wondering if you have a recommendation on stabilized full frame prime lenses in the 40-60mm range.

cant be E-mount, Z mount, L mount or R mount but otherwise i can use it, s35 and aps-h are also useable but not ideal.

Donā€™t care about fast apertures as long as it does f 2.8 constant and breathes the same or less than the nifty 50

mechanical stops for focus nice but not an absolute need, AF optional but probably there anyway if its got stabilization

Currently looking at this one (sigma sells it as apsc but it has aps-h coverage):

Iā€™d rather have a prime or a longer zoom if available for under 1000 though

Oooph. So that leaves you with Canon EF, Nikon F, Pentax K and Sony A mount lenses, right? Everything else is just too old to be stabilized, I think.

I was never a Canon or Pentax shooter, I had one Sony A camera and I didnā€™t know shit back then and I havenā€™t really looked at Nikon stuff in years. ā€¦ I donā€™t think I can help you there. :neutral_face:

I also never got into video. I tried a little, got some gear and all but itā€™s just not my medium. I like stills.

Iā€™m guessing you want to speedboost something onto a Black Magic?

PL, ENG mounts and p4 are fine too

also sigma SA, fuji GFX, m42 and any bigger format active mount

not speedboost but adapt, have an older model cine cam that doesnā€™t have a quick change close flange system

they donā€™t really make stabilized cine lenses, this is for a special purpose steadicam application

What is the sensor size on that?

s35, so too big for anything but sigma aps-c lenses (they often have larger image circles than advertised because their engineers obsess over corner sharpness and they sell an aps-h body themselves)

Sorry, in this case Iā€™m pretty much useless unfortunately. I did see something about a Tamron 45mm stabilized lens a while ago. But I have no idea if that fits the bill.

it very much might. basically just looking for portrait-ish focal length on a 1.35x crop that will handle hand pans/trucks well

wait a sec, this one?

I think this is the one nikon sued tamron over for VR patent infringement lol

electronic aperture only may be an issue though, lemme check if anyoneā€™s tried this with the EF adapter I have