The Controller Project

The Contrller project is a small company dedicated to bringing video games to those with physicall limitations.

Visit The Site Here:

Their aim is to make things like custom controllers for anyone who needs them depending on said limnitations...


EDIT: please watch the video/

NOW LET ME SAY THIS: I am in now way affiliated with this company, i just have a strong belief in what they are doing, and i hope that some people here might as well.

The bottom line is that most giant corporations would'nt even think twice about something like this, but it needs to be addressed.

I will keep any eye on what they are doing, and try to update here as much as possible.  I've already tweeted to Ben Heck ( fo those of you who don't know, has been doind this kind of thing for years) and hopefully this can come to fruituin.  and realy become something that people weould really get behind...


I think this might turn into a rant...  and if it does, parndom the grammar, as i've had a few to drink...diasabled or not, these people have the same rights to play the same games that we do.  to be honest?- this type pf thing should have been thought about since jumpstreeet.  Do you think Sony ever looked at their controllers and thought, " can  someon with disablitities use this?" Fuck No! (excuse my language) And that dont really bother them either, beacause at then end of the day people (for whatever) are going to buy it anyway.  And thats sad. 


To Sum This up quickly, and without getting really (read: extrenmly ) angry, it has to be done And Kudos to Ben heck, and  what does when hen can .  I've aready twtterd bek heck about the cause.  And, with a little help, we can actually turn this into a real thig, (which is already should've have been.)

Boltom line, It's going to be up to everyone else who thinks this should be a real thing. Not to be rude, but if your missing a finger, why should that stop you from playing the best games.


PS. thnx to all  of the people who have commented, wheter it's sincere or not. 


I' going to repaste info here:

The Contrller project is a small company dedicated to bringing video games to those with physicall limitations.

Visit The Site Here:

Their aim is to make things like custom controllers for anyone who needs them depending on said limnitations..


Sorry Logan(for languange) if this is not a proper blog,  but i dont care...  it is my blog, right?... lol



well that's neato

This is good, I like.

Looks great; good for society :)

I'm surprised that its took this long for people to realize that this is an issue.  Hopefully they can get all the help needed to bring it to the masses.