I would like this to be a place for stories that happened to you while gaming / with or around games.
Not like “look at my stats! #p0wned” or so but stuff that really stands out, the ones that you will remember, the ones that got to you.
And I’ll start by … cheating. Because this happened not really in a game.
For some reason youtube just recommended for me to watch a tech demo video from 2006, called The Casting. It was made for the game Heavy Rain. Now, from today’s perspective this looks relatively primitive but I think the effect it had on me is still there. You can watch it here.
At 4:00 minutes the thing takes a turn and it gets darker and closer and exactly at this point in the video a switch in my head flipped and for a second my mind did not see a bunch of pixels anymore. Right there I believed to look at a person’s face for the first time in something like a game. The acting, the animation, the lighting… it all comes together in this very moment.

I get goosebumps writing about this even today. Back then I was shocked that a game or let’s say something in a game engine could do that.
Since then the only other time when I forgot that I wasn’t looking at a real person, was for the making of / cutscenes of Hellblade. Technically on a very different level of course but the effect of seeing more than the sum of parts on screen, that is the same.
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The thread about private servers made me think of this gem:
Be me.
Play Team Fortress Classic too much.
Was spy majority of the time.
Feigned death in front of spawn doors of 2fort to left of battlements.
Feign death bug: No one on my team could leave the spawn room.
Team had much ass hurt and many lolz were had.
A few stories from the WoW days…
Zul’Aman (BC), Halazzi (Lynx).
I’m main tank (warrior) tanking solo (because our gear was great and our heals greater, and the tank the best obviously). Our DPS warrior (Fury) says he’s going to catch a cleave for a bit of rage.
Dies instantly on cleave, fun times.
Karazhan (BC) late night group, was awake for 20 hours at the start of the raid. I was asked to come along as DPS, after third/fourth/fifth (depending how you count) boss or so the fatigue overcomes me and I pass out. Wake up on final boss. Somehow Ventrilo must have disconnected around the time when I passed out. Most of the people in that raid probably still think I just DCed (I was logged out due to being AFK).
Naxxramas (WotLK edition). Arachnid Quarters first trash on first raid.
Whole 25 man raid wouldn’t shut up in voice so me (MT) “accidentally” charges into 4 groups of spiders, pulls 2 additional rooms of the beasts. Panic in voice, CDs were popped, everyone dies. We had a good laugh and from then on people were actually shutting up when raid lead said shut up 
For moments that I remember… First kill of Algalon in Ulduar 10, that speech after the kill it’s just goosebumps everytime I hear it 
There’s also tons of single player stuff that I remember, but even though I haven’t played WoW for 6 years, those moments I still remember and they still come up every now and then with ex-guildies 
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