Hi all,
So if you've seen my '2 cents' on Battlefield Hardline https://teksyndicate.com/forum/pc-gaming/battlefield-hardline-my-2-cents/179053 then you will know that I don't like that Battlefield franchise anymore and more importantly that there is no Battlefield series anymore. So with that said, what can replace it??
How can I get my 'all out vehicular warfare' if it isn't in battlefield anymore and the BF games that had it are now dead!
I'm thinking about either World War era games with populated vehicle use along with some infantry or modern era games with the same theme, not as much future warfare though as that is where all the shitty games as a trend are going right now.
PLEASE if you know of any games like I've described that could fill the place of Battlefield bellow in the comments as it was some of the most fun I've had in gaming