The AMD FX-8320/8350 vs Intel i5-4460/4960K Showdown

So I am planning my new build and have run a cheeky wee £110 over budget on a £450 build so as you can imagine I am trying to find ways to shave off as much money as possible.
My planned setup is this:

So, looking at the most expensive parts (GPU & CPU) I am Looking for ways to go for a cheaper CPUs without losing too much processing ability.
I have narrowed it down to the AMD FX-8350, AMD FX-8320, Intel i5-4460 and the i5 4690k. The i5-4690k is my ideal choice as it blows away the competition in both gaming and productivity which brings me onto what I would be using this build for:
(Skyrim, BF4, Garrys Mod, TF2, and yes, minecraft)
(2D & 3D Work using mainly autodesk inventor for the 3D work and AutoCAD for the 2D work)
(both 2D & 3D work using mainly Auytodesk Maya/blender for the 3D work and some other
unknown software for 2D work)
-Content Creation
(Video rendering and editing)

I know for productivity the AMD cores win by about 20% but I know for gaming the i5s win by about 50% (at stock speeds) so it leaves me stuck as to what to do and what processer to go with.

I am also aware that my motherbard is [b]not[/b] ideal so I am aware I need to look into that and I reckon I can get about £10-15 off there and I am aware my GPU is crazy expensive for my build and so I am debating whether to cut down on that to about an £130-140 GPU in which case I could go with the i5-4960K.

Please help me with what I should do at this point as I feel it could swing the usefulness of my build depending on what I do at this stage and I am not looking to waste £500 on something that doesn't do what I need it to do.
Cheers for the help.

None of those games save for Skyrim (which has terrible optimization, so be warned) are deathly CPU intensive so the i5/fx difference will mean little, but all of those core-dependant applications (maya/blender/etc) you use will love an 8320. It won't really be significantly bottlenecking your system in games, but to get the best out of an fx cpu you'll want a good overclock that won't be ideal on the stock cooler. 


You could get away with the 8320, a cheaper GPU (none of those games need a high-end GPU), and a decent little aftermarket cooler so you can overclock the 8320 to get your money's worth. 

Working in Maya isn't better with a fx 8350 processors vs  an i5. Rendering might be a little quicker depending on the what you are using. The 8350 isn't significantly faster in mental ray then the 4790k for instance where as it can be somewhere around 10-15% quicker with vray renders. That said there are a lot of repetitive tasks that one does in the program that benefit more from having a strong core.

Your planned setup outside of maybe the motherboard and lack of ssd looks good. You might want to look into the xeon version of the i7 quadcore. in the states it is only a little more then a unlocked i5 and can be used with less expensive boards since you wont be concerned with overclocking. That would probably be the best way to go if you can.

i have a fx-8320 oc 4.9ghz it works great with gaming i don't do productivity but my gpu is a gtx 780ti classy all custom water cooled. i plan to upgrade it this tax time but we'll see.

but im happy with the 8320 great performance per dollar and great overclocking ability. id recommend a h100 series from corsair or similar coolers though if you plan to overclock.

for this budget, I think I'd sadly give up on CPU OC. It might not be that bad because some modern rendering software can run on the GPU, faster actually, but Its pretty new stuff. From what I read Nvidia supports this better :/

so how about this?

If you can , a xeon would be best though , it's the price of a i5 and can be used with a cheap mobo .


This is a build not too dissimilar to one I used to have, it was fine for 1080p gaming, and I could assign 4 cores to a game and 4 to something else. I have added  a 3rd party cooler to allow for moderate over-clocking but that bumps the cost back up towards bottom end i5 prices; which would likely yield better FPS than a moderately over clocked FX.

If running other apps whilst gaming the FX 8320 is a good choice, if doing one thing at a time any Haswell i5 is a better choice.

Intel is the better choice.

it will perform better in most of the listed games. Autocad also benefits from better single threaded performance if im right.

Somebody correct me if im wrong!

I think that i would aim for one of the xeon cpu´s E3-1231-V3 or E3-1241-V3 with a cheaper H97 board.

I agree so I reveised my build and now I am here, however I am not sure about my case/mobo yet so some help would be apreciated: - Build one - Build two


What do ya think I prefer build one as its cheaper and has better parts however I am unsure of the case (NZXT Source 210 Black) and my Mother Board

Board two was what I was working on when I made this thread however I relise its pretty shambolic and expensive.

I have spent a lot of time doing a bit more research and am beginning to feel comfortable with my build so, without further ado, here it is:
What do you think of the graphics card?
Also do you think the motherboard will be able to cut the mustard as they say or do think there are better ones in the same price point (£40 - ~£60) (mATX/ATX)

Over clock an 8320 to around 4.7ghz. Otherwise an i5 is what I'd go for.

My bad 

If you can run wired that'll shave a little more off the price, unless you need wireless then feel free to disregard this comment