I'm sure everyone here is well aware of all the negative Aliens Colonial Marines reviews circling the web. This is particually disappointing to me because of how much I love the Aliens franchise. Though I have not played the game yet (i'll probably rent it for xbox), I think it's safe to say Gearbox lie to the gaming community on multiple occasions. Reading all of Randy Pitchford's interviews leaves a bad taste in my mouth, I can't stand hearing him say how much he respects the Aliens franchise. The worst thing to me is how Gearbox openly claimed that the demo released last fall was a live-gameplay demo.
It's hard for me to believe the gaming industy has sunk so low that a high-profile developer like Gearbox can release a game this broken to the public after clearly lying and there be no immediate, negative repercussions.
I know it will have little impact but, I will not be purchasing another game by Gearbox for a long time.
So what do you guys think about the situation? Those of you who have played it, how bad is it? What do you guys think of Gearbox after this?
it really is the first disapointment of gaming this year... 5 year old gfx. blocky, jerky, no ai, no decent lighting or atmophere... abysmal... 3/10 if its lucky.
and they want full price for it, the cheaky bastards... i have seen better indy games and polished turds that play better... and turds dont have hands to use a controler.. ;)
I had put off buying Borderlands 2 till I had time to get through some pre-orders I had inc. Aliens. Now they can take it and shove it up Pitchfords arse!
I pre-ordered the game based on all that in game footage plus the write up in PC Power Play (print magazine here in Aus) when they were invited to see that demo. It is fraud what they did (atleast here in Australia) and I am very cranky about it. What is worse is my pre-order was PC and the review embargo's stopped me from finding out the bad press to cancel it in time.
How can Randy Pitchford say it is in game footage and all the other things about his respect for the franchise and how awesome the story is as official canon (that young idiot in glasses who wrote it said it was the best thing he has ever written) and not get the daylights sued out of him by Sega? How did Sega not see the turd before it got released and do something about it. Sega is going broke and needed Aliens to save their bacon and now they have a bigger problem as I don't see Aliens making back the 80million they spent on it. So in short Sega are more broke. Guess I won't be getting a localisation of Yakuza 5 now.
I can at least begin to understand why Sega would allow this game to launch. I think they simply needed to recoup some of the money they gave Gearbox.
I just don't understand how it can be legal for Gearbox to get away with openly saying the so-called demo was actual, live gameplay footage when it wasn't. I understand there is creative license in the advertising of intellectual properties, but this had to have crossed the line. It's like if a movie trailer was released for a huge, blockbuster film starring several high-profile actors and when everyone went to see the movie, it was clearly shot in someone's backyard and none of the advertised actors were actually in the movie.
It could have been so much better in so many areas, I still love this game though mostly due to love of the franchise. If the story was better executed and they improved on the graphics, this game could have been epic. Also give me the F*#&*NG Smart Gun as an option in any mission I choose to use it in FFS.