The ACS Kernel override builds at gitlab are broken

The new linux-image deb is 57MB. I think this one’s good.

All the images are built. I can’t test at the moment though. @hondaman feel free to check it out again. Everything’s fully rebuilt.

I can’t speak for the other kernels, but 5.5.7 installed and booted fine. Thank you for your hard work. Will your site automatically pull down and build the latest kernels as they come out?

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No, but I’ll see about keeping it updated.

You can also make a PR for it.

A PR? I’m not sure what that is.

Also I wouldn’t mind at all helping maintain it. I’m not a total noob, I just have never done anything like git before.

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PR stands for pull request.

Basically, the work flow looks like this.

  1. You see a thing that needs fixing/changing
  2. You clone the repo
  3. You make the changes, push the code back to your repo
  4. You make a PR to tell the original repos owner/maintainer that you’d like to share your changes.
  5. A maintainer can do a review, request changes, or merge the changes in.

Everyone starts somewhere, and there’s a first time for everything. Atlassian has a great tutorial on git.

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@SgtAwesomesauce are you self-signing these builds?

Oh, I think they’re unsigned.

I’m not really up to speed on debian package signing.

Ok, finally got around to looking at git for the first time. I made an account on gitlab and cloned your acs-kernels. There isn’t much to it. In fact, I’m not sure which files to edit, or even what to do lol. It seems the kernels.json file is the only meaningful file to edit, correct? Just replace the current paths with new paths for the kernels needed built? Am I even close to being right?


I’ve just pushed a config for 5.6.3 to the repo, I’m building now.

├── db
│   └── kernels.json
├── Dockerfile
├── public
│   └── index.html
├── scripts
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── kern.pyc
│   ├── __pycache__
│   │   └── kern.cpython-37.pyc
│   └──
└── workspaces
    ├── 5.1
    │   ├── acso.patch
    │   └── kernel_config
    ├── 5.2
    │   ├── acso.patch
    │   └── kernel_config
    ├── 5.3
    │   ├── acso.patch
    │   └── kernel_config
    ├── 5.4
    │   ├── acso.patch
    │   └── kernel_config
    ├── 5.5
    │   ├── acso.patch
    │   └── kernel_config
    └── 5.6
        ├── acso.patch
        └── kernel_config

So the tree looks like this.

The important files are db/kernels.json and scripts/

If you python3 scripts/ from the root of the project (that’s important), you can just do:

python3 scripts/ 5.6.3 5.6

and it’ll automatically do the json script changes and you’re good.

Of course, now there’s a new minor release of the kernel, so you also have to create a 5.6 directory in “workspaces”

You need, at a bare minimum, the acso patch file (shouldn’t change version over version) and the kernel config. I just pull running config.

I requested access. Is that what I need to do a pull request?

You shoudn’t. If you already pushed your changes to your cloned repo, you should just be able to click a button at the top of your repo page.

So, basically, up top here, it says “fork”

You click that button and it’ll fork the repo into your account.

From there, you can make changes on your local machine, push the changes up to the repo in your account, then create a merge request so I can pull the changes from you.

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Well I did stuff lol. I’m not sure if I did it right, but there are changes now. I added 5.6.12. Can you take a look and see if I did it right?

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Looks good.

I’ll run the CI

The patch failed. :confused:

This isn’t normal. You did everything right, it’s just an issue with the patch. I’ll look into it tomorrow.

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Okay, fixed the patch, I think. Running a new build.

The patch failed because one chunk couldn’t be applied properly due to major rework of the code.

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Build done, pages rebuilt.

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It seems the page is 404’d now


Ah, new URL:

I changed my gitlab username to be more in line with my other accounts.

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