Okay so if anyone wants to jump onbaord as i do not have my computer finished and probably won't be able to have it done until the summer, I would like to test certain possibilities with the FX-8350. I would like to test it's single threaded performance before and after the windows 7 hotfixes from microsoft. I would also like to test the performance while disabling some of the cores before and after the hotfixes. After gathering all of that information I would like to test if per-core-performance increases before and after the hotfixes along with per-core-performance before and after disabling cores. Anything after this would be entirely up to the person tesing the CPU.
If nobody wants to do this ill just do it later on.
I'd love to test the 1 core per module, but I don't have an FX-8300 series, nor do I have any disposable income to get one. I'm very interested in seeing these benches.
i have a FX850, and i tryed installed those patches, but i peronaley dont see any diffrence, with normal windows tasks. so i uninstalled those patches again.
i think, those patches are ment for the FX 1.0 zambezi buldozer. cause every articel i read about those patches they talk about the bulldozer Not about the FX 2.0 philedriver
I have an 8350. I'd be more than willing to run some benchmarks for you, buy my computer is currently extremely messed up. I have to ship my motherboard back to the manufacturer. Maybe after I get my motherboard (1-2 weeks) and I reinstall windows to ONE hard drive and stop messing around with using 10,000 different HDD's and trying to edit registrys and program file paths and such, and my computer is, yanno, stable, I can run some benchmarks for ya.
Ok this sounds like it will work. I am happy that there is interest for this.
MisteryAngel, I would not think that the patches would show any improvement in regular tasks as the processor should be able to handle that with ease. The improvements will most likely only be seen in CPU taxing programs and such. However this may be something to test.
Well i have an i5, and not to take off Raxxdudes topic but does anyone want to do a little community bench thing ?
Ive been thinking of trying to get a bunch of people with the same and different hardware to benchmark them with specific settings and get some kind of Used data pool going.
I also have a Core i5 (2500k). I think a community bench would be interesting, but a draining task to upkeep. I wouldn't mind helping starting something up on Google Docs or something, or possibly drafting some benching guidelines, but I don't think I have the energy to spearhead these tasks.
This sounds awesome!!! We really could do a community bench.
When I was finishing my second post I was actually thinking of getting back on and asking the same thing about the 3570k, and i think it would be a really cool idea to add in the 2500k as well. I would like to draft the benching guidelines and create a google docs as it sounds like a cool idea.
I think this will end up being a really cool project.
When you talk about testing the 8350, do you mean benchmark results, or real world results?? Maybe give some examples of what you wanted tested. I mean ok, you want a single core test, how about recomending a free small program that only runs on a single thread.