TES Online Will Fail

I was fairly excited (though) skeptical about the initial announcement of the upcoming Elder Scrolls MMO. I was hoping for it to be different from the mighty World of Warcraft and all its respective clones that are churned out year in and year out. It seems as though Zenimax has no interest in developing an original and fresh MMO and is instead developing a game that is just like every other carbon-copy WoW clone that is doomed to fail from the start.

First of all, I always wonder why people keep bothering to make MMOs that are remotely similar to WoW. We have the track record to indicate that these games are never successful and go into a F2P method soon after release (such as The Old Republic, if you want a recent example). How many times to these games need to fail before developers realize they will never work? Don't they realize that the MMO market is dried up almost completely, dominated by the giant, 8000 pound, armored gorilla that is WoW? Why should Zenimax choose to make a game like this that will only be a blemish on the history of the company and that will fail almost immediately upon release?

In all the demos and video coverage concering the game that I've seen, the inevitable "How will it be different?" question comes up. It is usually followed by fairly vague answers with... you know, something about how the combat is slightly different as well as the "sheer interactivity of world that is present". But then they just reassure that it will totally stand apart from WoW. These developers will have to do a better job than that to convince me.

Overall, this game is already disappointing me. I thought an Elder Scrolls Online would have some potential as a great game, but not as a typical MMO. And as much as Zenimax wants to say otherwise, I am not convinced that it is not just another MMO to face and be defeated by WoW, and thrown on top of the pile of other defeated MMO corpses.

Here's a link to a DToid article regarding the game:


I think the failure of TES online will be from the fact that no one really wanted a TES mmo. Not fans, not newcomers, no-one. What's sealing the deal is that it's just another wow clone.

I did, but more of it literally just being a normal TES game with online features, not WoW.

ANY hot-key based MMO that is P2P is GUARANTEED to fail.

This will go F2P. Even SWTOR is not as big of a success as EA though it was going to be after all the money they put into it. Hell I Pre-ordered it and slowly leveled up to 30 then quite when Aion went F2P. Now I have 2 Aion characters that are level 23 and I never have to worry about "I should really play some _____ I am paying monthly for it after all". Which always makes you get sick of a game really fast.

Not to mention all of the other F2P MMOs that are carbon copies of TESO and WoW... let me think... Aion, Fallen Earth, Age of Conan, DC Universe Online, Everquest 1 & 2, Forsaken World, Perfect World, Drakensang Online, Runes of Magic, Lords of the Rings Online, Grand Fantasia, and on and on and on and on.......

This will suck, most likely. I'd like a single player developed game that has 2-4 player co-op thrown in. Imagine playing Oblivion, or Skyrim and exploreing an ancient dungeon with a friend.

Here's hoping the next single-player Elder Scrolls game is developed by the Obsidian team. ;)