I agree with it. I've been playing Mass Effect as of late, I just finished beating the first one about a week ago, and if that game didn't have Quick-Saving, it would of made the game next to unplayable. cause Auto-saving is retarded in that game. and if you die which most of the time in that game it's from Bullshit, it would send you ALLLL the way back to the very beginning. of the mission.
Kind of avoiding going to Kotaku and affiliate sites right now because of some of the stupid stuff they have said and the fact that they are mostly click bait.
I have Kotaku on my RSS feed reader but I will agree most of their stuff is click bait but so is about 80% of media reporting today. They only seem to be useful for random video game articles and Japanese culture articles and anime reviews.
just because quicksaves are there doesnt mean you have to use them. I like to use Crysis as an example. Its nice too have quicksaves because of how many ways you can complete an area. The open worldness of crysis (and I am refering to the first crysis before they casualized it for consoles) makes quicksaves a fun way to keep the game fresh.
And still too many games use it for the failure of it making it too easy.
It's just oh wait need to kill 2 normals then quicksave again to start a harder part which I can try till the dawn of time which out having to bother with 20 mobs before.
But hey I'm a dinosaur as I learned my gaming on Magnavox, C64, NES and such when the rule was just If you die just try again from the start.
For that I find the private server rule much more viable as every multiplayer game should basically allow it. Now EA just kill a lot of servers with no way to allow creating your own.