Well... Just the thing minecraft needs. A STORY. I think Telltale makes very good games, but really? You had me at wondering at Tales from the Borderlands and now you have just lost me completely.
Could Microsoft just be selling out now that they own Minecraft?
If you don't like it...don't buy it. I could care less what they do with minecraft. I played it, and lost interest in it about 2 years ago. Minecraft, just like all the zombie games, is losing its shine, and people are still trying to keep polishing it to keep it looking fresh, but its on a decline it won't come back up from.
My problem isn't that I think its a bad game or anything, its just that for a while Telltale was an indie dev and were doing really great games. Now they have announced like 4 new titles. I hope they just don't loose touch with their roots.
They are expanding, and growing, you know, because game development is a business. Have you tried their new titles? are they as good as the old ones? because if so, that means they are putting that money to good use.
Your right, I guess I'll have to wait and see. I just have trust issues with game devs lol.
It's not a classic zombie game , where the servers die off and the players end up going somewhere else , like some of the ALIEN did or other games .
They still sell a lot , and the game is still fun for newcomers .
The only thing that bothers me is that notch , all those years back when I spent my 10€ on it , promised I would never have to pay for any content .
If this is paying , then minecraft is going bad , and i'l be very unhappy .
The game is far from gone , a lot of the most viewed youtube channels are MC related .
considering that notch left the dev team at mojang a while back, he has nothing to do with this.
I know , but I hope mojang / jeb don't think about it and remember notch's promise .
I still sometimes will just play a loooong minecraft game if one of my buds is sad or something , the game is fun , and if you only play it every ~3-6 months then you always have new stuff and new mods .
Me and some friends always schedule a LAN party when there is a new patch, with the only goal being to discover everything new.
Telltale and Minecraft. That's like....an oxymoron
The only thing I could think of was that out of all the universes that they could choose to make a game with, they get the single game that has the least amount of actual lore.
This doesn't surprise me. Especially since Minecraft has a lot of followers, and does have several story lines.
Just not in Vanilla.
Vanilla minecraft may be dying, but modded minecraft is just as strong as ever. Especially with the new 1.7 mods coming out. There are hundreds and hundreds of different mods, adding thousands of extra blocks and mechanics.
Some of those mechanics involve stories, with Questing mods. There are even mods that turn minecraft into an MMO (see; Tolkiencraft 2)
And for vanilla, there is some lore there, with the wither and the ender dragon. And literally going to Hell. It could easily have a story crafted. And if they add mods to the story, like Twilight forest or some other large expansion, it would be even better.
How is using the same model for every adventure game "expanding, and growing"? Currently they are throwing adventures with the same mechanics on the market.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed (and still am) The Wolf Among Us, but I hope they don't flood the market with ridiculous generic adventures until everyone is fed up with them. Working on an adventure for Minecraft is - IMO - a step in this direction. What's next? Goat Simulator? It looks like Telltale is right now like "Okay, we have a good engine. Which game that is popular right now are we going to turn into an adventure?".