I use it for Folding, mostly, and light network/client development with Go and C++. I am beginning to branch off into more CAD design, but progress in that regard is slow.
I like it for the fantastic per-core performance, the great punch for the price, 8 threads, and overall plenty of cache for what I do. It is overkill, but I put it to good use for Folding. Well worth it, when I bought it, now, the 4770k seems like a better option.
I got the FX6350. I havn't gotten to OC'ing yet mainly because my PSU is being RMA'd and i'm stuck with this hazard for now and a proper heatsink is a few paychecks away.
I'm currently using an i5 3570k. Runs at 3.8GHz when I'm playing games or if under another similar load. It does everything I need it to do. And my Hyper 212 Evo keeps everything nice and cool.
Amd athlon 64 x2 4000+ running at stock clock. It runs most of the games I want it to run so Im not complaining. Still holds up good in my opinion. Hopefully I will upgrade in 2 to 3 years when I get the money :)
I have an i5 4670k at stock clock speeds. I have an overclock profile at 4.4 GHz 1.200 V but I don't need the extra power yet. I like staying in a cool room.