Tek Syndicate Top ~100 PC Games?

Logan has expressed his hate toward the PC Gamer top 100 PC games list. Why dont we create a Tek Syndicate top 100 PC games list? Who would be interested?


My top few, in no particular order-

Half Life Series

Fallout Series

DOOM Series

Quake Series

Elder Scrolls Series


Maybe some kind of Straw Poll like system could work, also a hundred is quite a bit, maybe do 50 or 25?

You stole some of mine but some games that came to mind of the top of my head:


Starcraft I and Brood War

Mass Effect 2 (although not as #1)

Bioshock 1 and Infinite

The Stalker Series

The Tropico Series

Quake Live

Eve: Online

World of Warcraft

Under a Steel Sky

Diablo II

The Amnesia Series

The Serious Sam Series

Total War Shogun 2

Civilization 4 & 5

Warcraft 3

The Witcher 2

The Metro Series

World of Goo

Age of Empires II 

Counter Strike Series

Team Fortress 2

The Portal Series

Super Meat Boy

Beyond Good and Evil

Thief II: Metal age

Monkey Island

Black And White II


There are undoubtedly many more I just can't think of them at the moment...

*These are more my personal favorites not necessarily games that I believe to be the best ever!

As always my contribution to such lists is:
Master of Orion 2!



this isnt going to work, everyone needs to pick one game out of some vauge set of categories.