Tek syndicate stickers!

Logan. Please, please, please make some tek syndicate falling world stickers available on your up-and-coming store. I will buy 10 of them as long as they are available. I have this bland nzxt source 210 elite case and I need something that let's people know that it is a gaming pc. I AM BEGGING YOU. This is something that sooooooo many people want. Just capitalize on it. Just think of it. Stickers for your case, stickers for your car, stickers for your guitar, stickers for your cat. We need to tag the world with these stickers. PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN.


+1 mlg pro 420 no scope must buy



i want stickers, two ;}

He already talked about adding stickers. In one of the other 700 threads about the subject.

I too, have a NZXT Source 210 that could use stickers

I know about all the other requests. I just hope Logan sees all of them. That way, he is literally forced to put them up for sale.


He's looking for the right source atm, finding a good place to get vinyls is not that easy

Understood. I could ask permission to print my own. I would only print two or three of them.

Printing in wholesale units aren't that cheap to give out free, he could sell them to his fans.