Okay, so, I'm planning on getting a $600 gaming PC in February, but I'm not sure if TS's build or Austin Evan's build is better (or if they're the exact same). Austin Evans showed gameplay (Crysis 3, Battlefield 3, Bioshock: Infinite) from the actual build and TS didn't, so I can't really compare them. This is because I'm very new to PC hardware, and I don't know how to judge a component's performance based on the information given. So, I'll link both builds below. Hopefully some of you can help me out in deciding which one to build, if it's even possible to tell.
Oh wow, you guys are so helpful! I really have no idea what I'm doing when I pick out parts. I'll look into those builds while I'm shopping. And liferescripted, the website said there was a compatibility issue between the mobo and the case... But surely I can get a different case, so I guess that shouldn't be an issue.
Its just the mobo has a front usb 3.0 header and the case doesn't. Not really a huge issue, but a case is always subjective. I know the NZXT Source 210 would be a viable option with a front usb 3.0 header.