I don't even know how to categorize it, but it would make an awesome edition to the store. Just putting it out there.
i like the idea. but i think there might be a problem concerning the quality. i dont know for sure of course, but i could see that that might be an issue.
if it is a rather cheap one just with the logo on it, it would be nice , but i wouldnt use it, because i like to use a quality one like my func f series. and if i wont use it, i wont buy it.
i think it would be a problem to make a mousepad with that kind of specs and quality, and make them come at price people would buy them.
but i dont know, if they its manageable i would think about buying one
(but probably wont because of horrendous shipping costs to germany :( )
I don't think they'd sell well. You can get custom mousepads for $6 at artscow, and then like Brutkruemel stated, the hardcore people will want their high quality mousepads anyways..
Unless it's made out of paper with a Tek Syndicate logo poorly draw by Logan on it, i'd buy it, or unless it's 30$. Im not too picky over quality, as long as it stays on the surface i.e doesnt move while i use my mouse, is made out of cloth, reasonably price, i'd definitely buy it
I believe that I and some others have also mentioned it in the past .... I want a big one like a large Steel Series would be awesome.
There will be no quality issues. I am insanely hard to please and refuse to use or sell crappy products. The real question is: How much would you be willing to pay for a mouse pad? If people are willing to pay $10 I might not be able to get anything good enough.
My current mouse pad cost me $50 so, I'm willing to pay as long as the quality is good, (My current one is made out of aluminum But I'm not against the idea of going with another material since aluminum like to gather water from my hand.)
Its should be a laser etched piece of aluminum or stainless steel with a satin finish.
I would happily pay up to $45 for a teksyndicate logo mouse pad that is of quite good quality :D
I'd totally pay around $40 for a good big one with the RTW logo on it.
Yeah, I've mentioned it before as well. I have been using Xtrac Ripper 17" pads for about 7 or 8 years now, and love them. So, something similar with the TS logo screen printed in the corner would be awesome:
Probably $30. Size options are important. I'd get one if you had a QCK+ size.
Wow, didn't see the thread get this attention. But yea I'm more than willing to drop 40-50 bucks on a mouse pad
I need something small. I would buy up to maybe $20 (I have a Blizzard SC2 one now that cost that much), but size matters. I do not use my nice mousepad because it is too big.
im sorry, i know that you wouldnt sell that.
maybe quality was the wrong word. i rather would call it specs maybe?
i meant stuff like the coating for a flat surface so the mouse can easily slide. and also some want big bendable ones and others want small hard plastice ones.
and my thought was that this might be hard to produce when one doesnt have the patents or factory for something like that, and also which specs would one use.
but if its possible to do i would go sth like 15$ dollars above what such mousepads normally cost.
I would be down to pick a mouse pad.
I would totally buy one if it was basically a Steel Series QcK+
I'd pay no higher than $25; any more than that for a mouse pad is just ridiculous
I would buy one if you made something like this. I love xxl mousepads and this one is of insanely high quality.