Tek syndicate Logo-Metal

Was thinking for a fun project, it would be neat to plasma cut the site's logo (mailing it to logan of course). If the admins had any other idea's i'd be quite open to them.

Wait... I missed this... who can make this happen? 

Well four months late, I can.  Im going to start on that now.

*raises hand* i can logan, i'd also do it free of charge and mail it to you

This is implied.


I also have the cut path ready.

this'll be neat to compare results




you goin freehand or x-y?

also something similar to this would look badass

http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/084/9/b/township_coffee_co_circular_saw_style_by_rinzlerrr-d5zamd3.jpg (this is too big to post as an image)

X-Y all the way. 

Im waiting for Logan to reply with a link to the "tek syndicate" text logo so I can cut it beneath it or to the side at 90 degrees. 

hmm. I wonder if I could make it into like a lightbox......


Nice and clean, it has so many possibilities


I cant stand this pc. It likes to crash if I load an image more than 3mb. This is unacceptable, campus IT. 

Know that feeling of grief all too well, at least your making the most of it.

Yea, it kinda makes it hard when you want to make a really good quality file, the program wants to think it has antialiasing but it does not work. at all. so I have to find HUGE images to convert. normally about 500mb. the computer does not like that at all.

At least the better...ish computers are not in the shop.

Wow, MadMean; that's a lot of Gcode D:

Indeed it is. Ive added a few more breaks for support of the countrys and the inner flames since that screenshot so the final product won't be too flimsy.

This shall be a thing. Do not miss it.

I have a CNC router at my local hacker space; mind PMing me the Gcode?

this thread just got neater by ten fold, do post moar!

I would love to, but I just left school with the file in .pcm format, for our cutting table. when I go back I will send you the Gcode.

Hehe ;3 I can do this too. Want to share the CAD plan bro? :D