Tek Syndicate Case Badges/Decals

I would love to have one of these as well, I'd even cover the expenses to produce and ship if you were to end up giving these away. I would need one much smaller though, to put on my laptop.

The better idea, as stated, is to sell for charity. We'd have stickers, someone gets something they wouldn't have otherwise. We all win.

Well lets see what the boss has to say...

I say they make them permanent in the shop. Have exclusive and unique ones for charity and have standard ones for sale on the store. I would buy these for sure.

.....limited edition logan beard decals!!!! 

YES! I can make the design! In fact I'm going to make it now I want that as a background. :D

 What do you think?

Im going to make one and stick it to my monitor, so even when I'm watching Linus, I can pretend its the TEK! 

though that my make watching porn a little strange ⊙﹏⊙


your nsa agent who follows you likes it.



Nothing for the Techsyndicate team? 

I don't see what's wrong with this idea if it's not for profit :P.  TekSyndicate should allow this imho.

If they don't, I guess you could always get one custom made from a random seller on eBay.

If he wouldn't be allowed to make them himself, why would it be okay to do it from some random person on ebay? 

I think he is implying if "someone" (not me), wanted one they could easily get one make from a ebay seller....and its true, akin to the Gabes Newel comment "Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem."  

I totally get Teksyndicate wanting to have control over there logo/IP but the odds of that stopping someone from having a case badge made up for a few $ is slim......personally I rather those couple of $ go to charity than an ebay seller.....at least till the Tek have worked out a way to monetize it for themselves. 


Hopefully they answer soon. Because I want one.

I desperately need one or two for my arcade

If any contributing members ever want a custom decal thats not the Tek logo, feel free to give me a shout and i'm sure I can do you something if you're happy to cover the shipping. 

I'd buy some.

I would buy it but I am not sure about shipping....I just hope that this will be shipped internationally.

I'd be happy to ship world wide, they would go out as a "letter" so postage charges would be minimal. (on the bases this ever happens, or I could just sent a couple of dozen in various sizes and colours to the TEK guys and let them deal with all that jazz)