Tek Syndicate Battlefield 4 platoon

Hello, i was just thinking that it would be nice to have a Tek Syndicate Battlefield 4 platoon, i do not have premium, so i can't create a platoon. So if one of you would create one, and post the link here, that would be great :)

Link to the platoon: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/6540577192337084191/

+1 I dont have premium either, but a Tek syndicate platoon would be cool.

I went ahead and created one. Just got premium not too long ago. Here's a link...

[Link removed by DeusAres]


It would be great if someone could create an appropriate Tek Syndicate emblem for the platoon. I'm thinking the Tek Syndicate logo would be pretty cool and suitable, but I'm not sure how Logan feels about us using it since this isn't an official platoon created by him or one of the other crew.


Read my update and Dominic's post on page 2 for more info concerning the platoon.

Nice, now we have a platoon :)

I paid 35€ for the game, and no way in hell do i pay 49€ for Premium!

Don't think I'll buy Premium either.. had it for BF3, but that was only because It came with the game.. and it wasnt broken :).


Applied, I don't play that often.. but thats mostly because I get stuck on crap teams and ragequit.

I'd love to join but I'm done with BF4 for now. With every problem they patch they introduce 2 more. This, paired with amazingly stupid design decisions, completely ruins the game for me. Maybe the game will be decent in a few months, but I won't waste any more time on this trainwreck known as BF4. Also, 50 bucks for mappacks and a few guns....... WTF EA -.-

Im down, bros. Do i need premium? I dont have any money...


Cool. I just joined. Although I am terrible at shooters.

Just joined!  

I might buy premium but only because I got the game for free.  Building computers for friends has it's benefits!  

Nah, suppression totally ruins the game. It's no fun having to duck behind cover as soon as someone is shooting in your direction.

Premium isn't required to join a platoon. It's only needed to create one.

Any and all are welcome to join. It doesn't matter if you're a casual battlefield noob (like myself) or a competitive battlefield veteran. There's no ridiculous rank or stat requirements. This platoon is simply about gaming with the community. Hope to see you guys on the battlefield.

Battlefield noobs unite!

Id love to join but the last few patches have rendered the game unplayable for me. Im taking a nice long break from battlefield. 

Change the platoon logo to the tek syndicate logo and I'll join. It's all about branding here people.

Make one, and I'll use it. I got the current logo from this site...


Create the emblem, give me the code, and I'll make it our platoon emblem. If I were a competent artist and a wizard with the Battlefield emblem tool, I'd do it myself.

I has no Premium. :*(

Alright, I'll see what I can do with the tools on that site you linked to me.

just joined up. It would be nice to play with people who rnt jackasses

ill join up too :) this sounds fun