Tek Linux YouTube Channel Dead?

I love the TekLinux videos, very nice for new and veteran Linux users.

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Cool, good to see some stuff coming downt he pipes. Look forward to it.


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It seems you are ignorant about how Vessel works, perhaps that's why you dislike it? Ignorance and hate usually go hand in hand. Nothing is exclusive to Vessel for a month. It's up to 7 days maximum and does not include videos where timing matters such as product launches and trade show coverage.

How dare Linus try to run a business that turns a profit. He ought to be working at a loss, what a sell out. /s

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I'm joking with the linus thing, it's called sarcasm.

sorry, didn't read it all, LOLOLOL, linus media group is non profit. Jk

Thanks for the passive aggressive angry badpoast. Nice name by the way.

I don't like the UI of vessel to begin with.

That said. I don't like how these you tubers release content on vessel for money then re-release it on youtube for even more money its absurd, it's really greedy, and double dipping. It sets a bad precedent for the fans. I unsubscribed from from a few already. I may unsub from more people channels that do it. It's my opinion. I understand they're trying to run a business. They could find alternative ways to raise revenue with more online merchandise, blue ray season 1 dvd or move to Cable TV ornetflix for all I care. I'm just stating my opinion on the matter, I could care less if you agree with me or not.

If you didn't make an uninformed/intentionally hyperbole badpost I probably wouldn't have replied with a passive aggressive badpost.

My name is a combination of the my first name's initial with my full last name. My name is Ryan Hood. If you think the alias I derived from it is not a nice name, well you can have that opinion. It doesn't really bother me either way.

Its not double dipping if each viewer only watches it once. Ex. if 100,000 people are to watch a video, 30k watch on Vessel, 70k watch on Youtube. Whereas before Vessel it would have been all 100k on YouTube. There is no double dipping there unless the Vessel viewers also watch it later again on YouTube.

If you just don't like Vessel itself then you don't have to watch it and its literally as if it doesn't even exist. With LTT they are releasing a video per day on YouTube just as they always have so your LTT YouTube experience is not any different than it ever has been.

Sorry Ryan Hood it looked like "Rude" a troll leet speak name and you are rude so I thought you were just trolling because you thought you were funny.

I just don't understand why my opinion of Vessel makes you so mad? I just don't like that they withhold the same content for a premium and then release it later to make more ad money. I'm not anti-business, but Vessel still takes the creator's money.

And I went there once to watch LTT and Good mythical morning and realized I don't like the way Vessel is laid out so what.

Well, I can agree that the Vessel layout leaves a lot to be desired. I just think its good that it exist because it provides an alternative to YouTube and I don't like that Google essentially has a monopoly on online video (excluding movie/TV video services of course).

Vessel is still very much in its infancy so I'm not overly critical that its not up to par with YouTube. After all, YouTube has been improving its service for just over 10 years now.

I'm all for youtube competition and Vessel is probably the closest to it, but it looks and smells like a corporate hipster made it. And charging people for early access is just retarded and the main reason why I'm anti vessel right now. At the moment it seem slike Linda.com and Squarespace paid for Vessel. Makes me want to pull my hair out.

I am looking forward to it!

W00t tek linux is back. Thanks @wendell

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tek linux is getting videos again! yay, but speaking of dead channels what happened to beergamesbeer :P

You will make a great evil ceo some day.

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If only there was more time.

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this may be a off-topic question but any plans to make an update video on your Linux ventures?

@Logan You are retarded for not knowing how every Linux distribution works sarcasm

The main reason people should be more concerned about vessel is not about money, i dont care if they make money. Its that it effectively splits a community. I've already seen it on these forums where someone was talking about something that was on a video linus made. I asked for a link because there no way to talk about it without seeing it, and they said it was on vessel.. discussion over, if i cant see it for a week how can it be talked about.

But back on topic.

Its not dead! yay.

And yeah @Logan more logans linux log (theres a star trek joke in there im sure) when theres time. It would be quite interesting to see what hurdles you come up against, what things you find easier. Even if these are just a few minutes long.

I dont think theres many videos of people showing they get stuff done on GNU/Linux

dont worry logan we understand your suffering :D lol