Tek Distro

Have you guys ever thought of creating your own distro with all the securty protocols you've explained? One with some openVPN/proxies already setup perhaps.

I'm creating my own for some robotics projects I'm working on and thought you should do the same.


Yup, there was one made on Susestudio, it's been taken down now, but the link was posted somewhere with permission for forum members to alter the distro. There were quite a few downloads during the weeks it was up, but not one single comment about it. The problem is that a GNU/Linux distro is always a personal thing, and the people that want linux know why they want it and what they want. It's easy enough to make a nice stable tested free distro on susestudio that's easy to install and that would be a great starting point to convince users that currently use a closed software console, but it would take a formal pro linux statement from teksyndicate to convince new users to try that, and that's just not going to happen: it's still teksyndicate.COM and not .ORG, and still a US based operation, and therefore, I suggest that everybody respects that and keeps the free software stuff to the user forum. For example: how many Asus samples and freebies would TS get if they would publicly say that they recommend using GNU/Linux, or if they would publicly tell the truth about the systematic blocking of linux compatible safety features on the major consumer mobos, or if they would publicly demonstrate that Asus sells soundcards that explicitely block linux compatibility and support without technical reason, as the hardware they use is basically supported by the linux kernel. Publicly not worshiping the commercial closed spyware consoles would not permit continuation of the business model and would make a lot of the present content impossible. So there is no official distro and there will never be one, but that shouldn't stop anyone from making his/her own distro on susestudio or to download a couple of other distros and try them out and customize them. Also there are a lot of posts everywhere about security features in linux, like MAC (SELinux, Tomoyo1, Akari) or application based filtering (AppArmor, Tomoyo2), firewalld or iptables, GPG, etc..., so the regular forum visitor probably can pick up a pretty good picture (lol PGP) of the security measures in linux.