I couldn't find a page for tech deals so I thought I'd start one!
It's difficult to have a thread like that. I mean if Microcenter have a great deal, me, in Europe, will not care. Same if i tell yoy my hardware pricing...
Every region have different pricing, stores, deals and whatever...
Today's Humble LifeHacker Software Bundle is pretty awesome. For $15 you can get Stardock's Fences (sounds sketchy, but it's awesome), DisplayFusion, LastPass Premium, Acronis, and quite a bit more. I use all of these daily (except Acronis) and paid much much more for everything. https://www.humblebundle.com/lifehacker-software-bundle
I know it is almost blasphemy but the LTT forums has a section for this so each deal can be labeled with countries that it is available in.