What kind of teas do you guys recommond im tired of the same old thing need something to feed my caffine addiction.
Strait up earl gray.
But in all seriousness, I don't drink much tea. Maybe it's just because of the way my people make it, but it's too sugary for me. I stick with water.
Proper tea doesn't require sugar, on most cases.
Either way, switch to loose leaf. You want real tea, not bagged tea. Go to your local coffee/tea shop, look around, ask to sample. I am a huge fan of lighter black teas, and black-white blends, but I'm much more a coffe man than a tea guy.
Green tea, a total classic that will put you right into the tea world. You can then try with time and patience more types of teas.
Russian Caravan loose leaf tea is awesome - so is Prince of Wales
I drink my tea black, i got a blend called Australian afternoon tea, I think it's limited edition and not sure where else it's avaliable