Tea vs Coffee: The battle for the cup

Tea. Tea drinkers aren't as snobby and pretentious and don't wake you up when they bring their own grinders on vacation...

I mean, tea and coffee are really just murky water. I love both. I'm currently drinking some Jeju Island Green Tea, but was earlier drinking some medium roast coffee from Dunkin Donuts.

The wheat tea is quite popular in Japan, I also like drinking it with some desserts. Yummy~:kissing_closed_eyes:

Isnt it the black sesame?? It's may not called the "Chinese coffee"...

Yes. I know. See quote below from earlier in the thread..

Oh~ Thats your choose to drink, we just need to try some what we like. :smiley:

My fault! :blush:

No worries. im having some now! yummy yummy!

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Sounds like a leisure journey of life~ aha

Guys, any of you preparing coffee in Clever Dripper?
I'm looking into entering filtered coffee world, I'm not a fan of Hario though.

I'm used to french press. Could you compare it, perhaps? Does it differ, or tastes basically same, due to full immersion?

Aero might be interesting as well, as I heard its as close as possible to real espresso, in home conditions, without spending a fortune on a proper espresso machine.

Tea, I'm from Yorkshire so I suppose that makes me a bit biased.
Additionally I can't really drink coffee due to medical issues, I believe decaf is okay for me though.

So yeah tea, nothing beats a good brew.

Since the coffee drinkers and tea lovers are in this thread I have to ask:

Am I one of the few people today that think Starbucks is 100% over rated or espresso and brewed coffee? I'm not counting the frou frou drinks they make!

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Tea in many parts of the world is enjoyed without adding anything to it. Coffee on the other hand is often enjoyed by adding cream and sugar. Coffee is also enjoyed black, but this is uncommon, at least in the West. Adding dairy to your coffee or tea inhibits your body's ability to absorb the antioxidants they contain. The only time anything should be combined with tea really is when making chai. Therefore, tea is the better drink.

Tea can be similarly complicated to prepare as coffee is. You have to:

  1. Boil water
  2. Heat the cups with first cup of water
  3. Discard the water
  4. Let water cool to right temperature for the tea type
  5. Brew the tea for the appropriate amount of time
  6. Reheat water and brew more tea as needed

There's more to tea than just throwing it into boiling water if you want to enjoy a proper cup, just as there are nuances to coffee. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Take care of your body then you can taste more delicious things in the world. Live for yummy.

I also like Starbucks, people who like to drink espresso is the person who really knows how to taste coffee, Aha? I prefer the sweet coffee, the aroma of coffee plus a little sweetener.

Tea. Coffee gives me really bad heart burn for what ever reason.

I really like the tea at the chinese restaurants, but I never seem to be able to make it quite right.

I seem to have seen this kind of tea, but I don't remember what its called.

Yep, quite agree with you, the coffee with cream and sugar is quite accepted by most people. There are also many tea shop sell the tea with cream, and it's really popular in the market.

The coffee must be not suitable for your body. And it is not hard to make a cup of tea, just buy some loose-leaf, then you will quickly understand how to make tea with your own flavor.