Hello guys, everytime I'm scanning my pc I get 100% disk... This is probably normal, but is there anyway I can increase my "disk" so it doesn't lag all the time even when I scan my pc... How do I upgrade this and what should I buy!
Uh. Well at one point when I had Origin installed with Battle Field 4. I ran into that problem a lot. It went away after a bit. I guess more RAM to use less disk space. Check the size of your page file.
What is the size of your HDD and what Model? Maybe. Check what processes are running. Windows 8 actually gives a really nice detailed view what is chewing up what device. Take a look into the task manager and get back. Tempted to just remote in while I sit here at work using logmein123. Not much time till I end up leaving anyway.
Ew AVG. Just drop it and use something more light weight. Like Just using Microsoft Security Essentials or Windows Defender. AVG could be running a scan.
I disagree, because Kaspersky is essentially running in the background(their code) but Defender is fully integrated with Windows so, it knows what to catch and won't pull dumb false flags like other AVs. This is not in the Terms of use agreement, because they don't have to reveal it, but from reading all of Kaspersky's patents. I can totally see it. I'm getting that information from an actual industry pro. An alternative suggestion would be Malwarebytes too.
Even microsoft said that third party AV are more effective. Sure they're lightweight and if you have common sense or you know what you're doing, go ahead and use them.
stay on topic guys. The OP is asking what to do to solve the massive disk usage on his system. Not which AV is better. Just solve this problem for him. The last we were at was : Drop AVG. Let him do the Google search for Lightweight AntiVirus programs. Go from there and help him out. Don't derail the thread by arguing about Antivirus programs. Save that for another thread. Don't make me moderate the thread any more than I have to please.
Umm the way to solve the problem is to get a faster drive or an SSD. The HDD is being maxed out because its too slow, something that can happen when it is being read a lot or written to a lot. It also happens when you boot up the computer or load up a game, tons of data needs to be read off the drive for both situations.
Either calm down and wait for your scan to finish, or spend money to get more hardware. Adding more RAM will only help a little, and prevent your rig from having to use the HDD as RAM, which is extremely slow.
And taking my username into context, I have been running a WD Black 7200 RPM drive dual booted with Windows and Linux. When I boot to Windows, the HDD is lit solid for about 15 minutes. When I boot to Linux, the HDD is lit only briefly. Windows uses the drive too freaking much IMO. I also have to make sure the HDD is properly defragged too (only under Windows. Linux-no-need-to-defrag).
Seems obvious, but make sure de-fragmenting is not disabled. I'd have a look there, newer versions of Windows take care of this for you, but who knows, worth double checking. Also, some antivirus programs allow you to throttle the scan a bit so it doesn't overwhelm your system, another reason I love Malwarebytes so much. You can get by just fine with Win Defender (nearly useless but so lightweight just run it) along side Malwarebytes, if you have the free version you can only run scans, if you buy it, you'll have real-time protection. It's an epic program that's saved me countless times.