Talking Sign Language Rings?

This is a really cool idea. Rings that would allow someone who uses sign language to communicate with people who do not understand sign language. The Rings would detect motion and trigger a bracelet to speak out the words.


Sign Language Rings

I think it's still at the design/concept stage, but it seems like an interesting way to use motion technology.

Sign Language Ring is a set of rings and a bracelet that detects sign language motions and translates them to voice. It also translates voice to text.

A general lack of understanding of sign language among people with good hearing can create difficulties when someone needs to use signs to communicate with them. Sign Language Ring is a translation device in the form of a bracelet with detachable rings. When worn on the fingers of the person using sign language, the rings detect and track the signing motions. These are translated to voice, which is emitted by the bracelet. The user can pre-record their signing movements and assign the appropriate words, which allows the system to be customised to the user’s particular gestures.

After use, the rings can be set into the bracelet for storage. The design was inspired by Buddhist prayer beads. The system also translates voice into text, which is displayed on a screen on the top of the bracelet. 


Hand movements are very personal, I would imaging this would take a lot of "learning" of the devices part to get your full standard vocabulary down, and then how does the other person talk back?

Not every disabled / sign-language user is deaf (some are just mute), though that is an issue for those who are. Lip-reading?

Wait, the rings apparently have a solution for that too (last paragraph):

The system also translates voice into text, which is displayed on a screen on the top of the bracelet.

Ah I missed that part.