I came across these headphones while talking to an audiophile on Google+. He reccomended the Takstar HI-2050 and said they are very very similar to the dt-880's. Looking through head-fi the Takstar Ts-671's were also mentioned. Both are supposed to be bright balanced headphones and this made me think of Logan. I haven't been able to find any good reviews of the Hi-2050's and I figured Logan could take a look at them.
Prices: HI-2050- $66
TS-671- $66
Linus over at LinusTechTips also recently reviewed a somewhat older amp and DAC from schitt. They make some pretty high quality stuff with some humorous marketing that I thought might interest you as well.
Schitt "stack":
Schitt Modi DAC $100
Schitt Magni amp $100
I mainly just wanted to bring these to Logan's attention, but since this a subforum for questions I might as well provide a few: If you have heard them (HI-2050) , are they good? Do they sound like the Dt-880's? Should I get them to replace my Astro A40's? Are the Schitt products a good alternative to the 02 from mayflower? I do like some gold bass, but I love the sound stage of my a40's when compared to my V-moda LP's. I use my V-moda's for music and on the go and the a40's for gaming and at home. Do you think these would be too bright for me? Or is the big soundstage a worthy trade off when gaming?
Tek Syndicate and LinusTechTips are my primary sources of tech news by the way. I love what you guys do and I think its because of you guys that all my friends come to me for reccomemdations on the best PC upgrades and Laptop reccomendations :)