
So I have decided I would really like a tablet.

I have 500$ to spend on one but would like to spend closer to 400 if possible. I was looking at the new Ipad air 2 but I don't really know.

So what do you suggest? I want it for gaming and web surfing don't know if that matters....

I'd go for the Nvidia Shield Tablet. it has Everything you want, comes with a 1920x1200 Screen, MIcroSD Slot Expansion, Front Facing Speakers and a Stylus. and has the Tegra K1 which is Impeccable for gaming and you also have Nvidia Game-stream if you own a Kepler or Maxwell Based GPU.

I second the Shield for gaming

The one and only thing that holds me back from the shield is that android doesn't have hearthstone... Which actually isn't a big deal but I like hearthstone xD. Also is a 8 inch tablet big enough?

I use my Dell Venue 8 Pro (This is a 8 Inch Windows Tablet) as my Valve "In-Home-Streaming Device" and i can use it just fine. but my experience with an 8 Inch maybe different from yours. I am able to use it but you may feel otherwise. in my opinion Nvidia's Gamestream is A little better than Valve's "In-Home-Streaming" because You can Use Game Stream from Anywhere if you are on 4G or Wi-FI. also the Play store is so much better than the Windows Store. which is an added bonus.

I'm just going to say this right now, don't fucking buy ANYTHING from!

Thank you, I will get the shield then.

The Nexus 9 will be availble on Nov. 3rd and will be $400, it might be worth considering especially since it will have the 64bit Denver Tegra K1. Although in terms of GPU performane, it will be the same as the Shield, and will, in fact, be a bit worse in games because of the higher res screen.

It's also 4:3 if you like that aspect ratio.

I don't really trust nexus tablets anymore. My dad has a Nexus 7 (1st gen) and it has started to lag A LOT. Like it can't run most things without lagging.

You can't go wrong with a shield or a nexus 9. However if you have a Mac the intergration between an iDevice is unparalleled.

The new Nexus 9 looks really good, but if you go with a nexus 9 make sure you go with the 32gb version as its doesn't have sd slot. If not having a sd slot is a deal breaker go with the Nvidia Sheild.  I'm in the same spot but i think I'll wait one more year.( want to see what happens with the new type-c connector if it gets integrated )

Android is great for gaming, but for productivity I've found iDevices better. Before I'm called a fan boy I only have a Powermac G4 MDD and an iPad Air. The rest of my devices run Linux based OS'S.

My mom has a Nexus 7 first gen and it lags quite a bit sometimes. Usually its because she has WAAAAAY to many freaking tabs open in chrome. Try CCleaner.

Also my dad has the newest model of the Nexus and it ROCKS and it has double the RAM of the old one so its WAAAAAY faster. I'd buy one in a heartbeat if I got the chance.

You know, you say that, but I've found that if you're willing to "drink the Google Koolaid" as much as you have to "Drink the Apple Koolaid" then the integration between Android and the rest of google is amazing. You can access 99% of your Android google services from a web browser on any device. Music, photos, drive, etc. I love that about mine.

I'm really surprised at the fact that everyone is listing Android. Asus Transformer series? Can use it as a laptop and a tablet.

Take it from me, tablet gaming is absolute trash. If you want a tablet that plays games get a surface pro, which at the moment is way out of your budget, or even better; look into a laptop or a cheap windows tablet.

To be honest I don't know why you'd want to game on a tablet. Just get a laptop or install Limelight on your android tablet and stream games.

Mainly because hearthstone is amazing and runs on tablets. I also need a tablet for school though. And no I do not want a laptop.

I think I probably will go with a Shield unless there is a sale on a Ipad air. Nexus 9 just doesn't seem like a good idea to me for some reason. Anyways I will decide base on what you guys have said.

I own a shield tablet. I bought it on launch day. It's an amazing device for media consumption and gaming. The 1080 IPS screen, gamestream, and front facing speakers were the selling points for me. The tegra K1 is a beast for Android gaming and I use gamestream for 2d platformers and Borderlands. Be sure to get a mini HDMI2HDMI cable and the controller for console mode; it's definitely worth it. It's a great tablet overall and I highly recommend it.