Hello Logan and the rest of the team!
First I am sorry for my English,because it is not my native language but I will try my best ( using google ofc :D ).
I wanted to get a shirt from your merch store and I was wondering about the shipping.Since you are in America and I am in Southeastern Europe I think that the shipping costs wont be cheap.I also know that some stores provide free shipping,so I am wandering is that the case with this one allso or how much would it cost for me to get the shirt?
Now for the seccond question.
I recently watched Pistols twitch stream of skyrim and she blinks like every 10 minutes.I even started trolling her so she did a round of blinks at the end of the stream :D
My question really is just HOW ?!!! HOOOOWWWW!!!?????????????
My eyes get sore after 1-2 minutes.She must be magic or whatnot :O
Best regards and all the best from Serbia.
Well it's best to check the shipping. Usually it gives you a quote of the expected shipping costs. So try adding it to a cart and doing everything but don't go through with the purchase. I have ordered items from Ukraine and only had to pay 20 dollar air mail shipping which was quite a deal considering where it was coming from and then heading into rural Ontario, Canada.
By the way. You are right. Pistol never blinks O.o
It seems that I can't really get the shirt.There is no shipping option for Serbia.
This puts me in a quite a pickle...
I work in a printing industry, and I know that i can make a hi quality offset printed T-shirt for about 12$.I didn't want to go this way but it seems i don't have any other options.I guess I'll just donate 5$ to Tek Syndicate becouse I wanted their shirt with their logo.
If any one has some other suggestion I'm listening.
Yea....I guess this goes deeper than that.
Wendel isnt real,Qain is a mad scientist,Pistol is a robot and Logan lives on beer and chilly peppers.
Sounds like a fantastic 4 mod :D
That needs to be a 2d platformer like Trine. Right now.
I don't mind that she never blinks. Pretty eyes.
No...TF2 or Portal style game would be perfect for them.
Finally confirmation, my assumptions were correct..Also hypothesized they were all fragments of one mind..
Sto ne verujes? :D jebes to kad me izadje postarina vise nego majca
That would have to be one Fucked up mind.
Vec neko vreme sam na sajtu, jednostavno ne vidjam nase. Za postarinu stoji, ja sam dvaput morao toliko da se mucim oko dostavke ali nije vredno za ovako jeftinije stvari.
moze da se napravi jako kvalitetno za tipa 15 evra.
daj da skupimo sve sa balkana na forumu.sad za vikend da stavimo vise topika vezanih za balkan na sve.
Pa djeste ;) Nisam ni ja mislio da nas ima!
Keep the posting´s in English please.!!
Sorry MisteryAngel ;)
Anyway...didn't know there were other guys from Serbia here either. It's nice to know there are though.
HEY YOOOOOOOOOO Evo i mene samo sta ja nisam srbin :P
Balkan alliance assemble!!!!
Sorry but none of us had the chance to converse in our own language on this site and we just figured out that there are more of us, and aren't you a moderator for hardware section.