I built a new computer yesterday to be a camera server. I want to use Ubuntu minimal 14.04 64bit to do this. I went through the install process and partitioned my hard drive like so.
/ 12gb
/swap 2gb
/boot 600mb
/temp 5gb
/var 5gb
/home 5.97 TB
I then went through the rest of the install process and restarted the computer. Then it just kept bringing me back to the bios. Initially my problem was the bios didn't see the hard drive but I fixed that. Still it kept bringing me into the bios. I then went and put the usb stick back into the computer to try a reinstall then the camera server booted up like it was supposed to when I selected the usb stick in the boot options. I want to know if there is a way for my hard drive to boot the os instead of the usb stick.
Does linux support 6TB hdd and if so would it need a GPT add-on ?
If not to much trouble you could try 3 x 2TB partition maybe.
Just guessing here
Sounds like grub got installed to the USB instead of the hard drive. I can't remember how to install grub to a different disk off the top of my head, you could probably look it up and figure it out. You could try re-installing but this time have the hard drive as the first boot device and use the boot menu to boot from the USB, although you're probably going to have to make a new USB.
Would it be easier to install from cd then it might not read as a storage device
I'm also wondering if i ran into so issue when I went for the inital install because the bios didn't detect the hard drive but the os did
Yeah installing from cd will work too. Not sure about he bios thing.
Figured it out. Had to install from the cd and I guess I didn't make any space for the grub boot loader when I made my first install. The bios thing was me not plugging the hard drive into the proper sata port.