System Information for Windows

I'm not really trying to advertising for this program (or I hope I'm not), but SIW is really quite useful for when you want to find information on the hardware in your computer. If you want to use it, you can find something like this on cnet and searching SIW. 

A good use for this is if you are looking to find information on hardware you want to upgrade such as memory, you can find the exact model that is in your computer along with its capacity, type, speed, etc.


This is my first post here so I guess I'll say hello and nice to meet you here as well.

Welcome to Tek Syndicate.

Have you also used Speccy? I'm wondering how this program compares to that one because so far Speccy is the most complete system information tool I've come across.

I have not used Speccy, I'll look into that when I have time, thank you.

EDIT: Alright, I had a look at speccy and I love it. But it seems that the only difference between the two is for SIW, there is a portable edition so I don't have to install it onto my system.

Speecy FTW!

System Information can be used for advanced diagnosis. But for all users, use 3rd party system spec softwares, as they're more user friendlier.

EDIT: Hang on, I noticed there is a thread bump here. Dammit... newbs these days :\