System build not booting up

Okay, so I've just built my PC, and when I plug the power lead into the PSU and flip the power switch on the PSU, the power LED on the mobo turns on, however when I try and press the power button on the front of the case the system doesn't power on. Same with the reset button.
Thanks for any posts guys.

Have you checked the connection of the case wires to the motherboard? For example LED light etc.

Did you try to p.o.s.t boot everything before you put it into your case? 

Did you wire the power button? If you did make sure its on the right lead.

Everything seems to be plugged in.

I don't really have the resources to set up a system outside of a case. I've literally just got my case and my components.

That's "POWERSW" right? In which case, yes.

You could of p.o.s.t booted on top of your motherboard box but NOT the anti static bag because that is conductive on the outside. If your computer still doesnt boot recheck all your case to motherboard connections. Read your manuel multiple times. Make sure uou hsve the 4/8 pin connector for the psu to cpu connected. If youre running more than 1 stick of ram try each individually. If your computer has onbosrd grsphics and your using a grspgics card remove the graphics card and use the onboard graphics. 

Anti static bags are NONE CONDUCTIVE you can test it your self with a multimeter the bag will be infinity ohms (none conductive) your hand is more conductive than the bag.

I was always told the INSIDE of the bag was antistatic and thr OUTSIDE was conductive so I just build on my motherbosrd box ^^^

The bag its self is not anti stactic at all when the component is in side the bag and its closed it creates a 'faraday cage'.

Some Mythbusteing


Thanks for the replies guys, but so far, no luck at all. The mobo LED turns green when the power switch on the PSU is flipped, however after pressing either the reset or power buttons the system still doesn't turn on. I've also tried shorting it with a screwdriver.

Your motherboard might be being shortened out by a stand off screw. Check if all the screws are in the right plsce. Make sure your cpu fan is connected because some mobos wont turn on if its not plugged in. Did you remeber to de shock yourself aftrr about ever 10 mins during your built by touching metal? Try turning your pc on with only your monitor plugged in, and nothing else. Does your system make a beep when you short out the 2 pins to turn on your computer if you hsvr a speaker instslled. If you dont hsve one it may help diagnose the problem. 

The thing is, when I press the power button on my front i/o or try and short out the two powersw pins, nothing happens. I've already gone through and checked that the standoffs are all fine, and yeah, I was using an anti-static wrist strap, so the chances of it being ESD I think are quite slim.

Out of all the builds I've had, I always missplace the PowerSW leads. Check your mobo manual and make sure the + is in the + slot and - in - And recheck all of your case connections. If not, if you have an extra motherboard switch it out with that one. If it works, replace your motherboard because it is probably damaged.