Synergy (software KVM) issues

Anyone here using synergy?

I am having some trouble with keys not being recognied properly. Anyone else come across similar things?


Windows (server) -> Linux (client); the shift key works (I can highlight using shift) but it does not modify any other key (so its basically useless as I can't access most symbols).

If I do it the other way around it works fine
Linux (server) -> Windows (client); works perfectly.

Using an older version, 1.4.18

Searching around I found some similar issues to do with shift keys and other modifier keys but nothing consistent. Synergy still list some issues to do with ALT and Shift on their website FAQ.

Have all these issues been fixed in the latest versions or is there still problems with this type of KVM?

I'm on version 1.8.8 stable & have no issues with this (Windows server, Linux Client).

I picked up the latest version. Works perfectly.

As a side note, how did you get synergy to run on startup (assuming you did)?

I need it to run before a user logs on (otherwise I still need a spearate keyboard) so I am trying to create a service for it that gets called by the init script. So I'm using a System V initi script template and using update-rc.d to run it on boot.

Changes to template:


I'm having issues with this script; there are issues with checking the pid so none of the status, stop or reset functions work, but the start function does work

sudo service synergy start

but installing it to run from boot with

sudo update-rc.d synergy defaults

doesn't actually make it launch at boot. I still have to login before syngergy starts up. So I still need to login using a connected keyboard. Not 100% sure whats going on here.


synergy: cannot connect to X server
QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_windowShown()
*** WARNING *** The program 'synergy' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see
("-f", "--no-tray", "--debug", "ERROR", "--name", "username", "--log", "/var/log/synergy.log", "")
*** WARNING *** The program 'synergy' called 'DNSServiceRegister()' which is not supported (or only supported partially) in the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see
("-f", "--no-tray", "--debug", "ERROR", "--name", "username", "--log", "/var/log/synergy.log", "")

It looks like its coming up with errors because I'm not logged in (so my screen name is not correct?). Also from the log it appears its trying but fails because X server isn't initiated yet.

Any help is appreciated!

I haven't been able to get it to run before log in either, from memory, the only way was to run linux without needing to log in on boot, which isn't really ideal.

Maybe a USB autologin could be an option, I have seen them for windows, but haven't looked for a linux version.

Yep, that seems to have worked.

I used PAM & created a USB login key. When the key is plugged in, it logs straight to the desktop.

Set Synergy as a startup app & away you go.

Good guide on how to set it up here: