So if you are using Syncthing, it might be worth it to switch to the Syncthing-fork.
Only if you trust the maintainer, he made the wrapper for his personal needs and suddenly might have become more in focus.
I missed this. Thanks for posting. This will probably get me to fully commit to going over to NextCloud. I was mainly using syncthing to keep my music and pictures synced between devices, but as of late I’ve been needing more functionality.
I am going to check out the fork though. Glad to see the fork dev being into working on Android going forward. Seems like a nice dude. I will check out more of his work and see if I find any security issues. I’ll post a reply if I see anything.
True, I actually would be ok with just running the binary and controling it via the WebGUI.
I don’t have faith in the termux running the binary in the background. Sounds that to keep it alive I would have to make sure the termux to somehow never sleep and receive notifications about connectivity to know when to shut it off and restart.