
So I have my primary computer and i want a mobile workstation, is it possible for me to set up my main workstation and secondary up so that they are identical to each other all have the same OS programs etc. and any change i make on the main one it will sync to the secondary no matter the changes I make? Have both of them running win7

Is this possible with out purchasing any programs or use open source projects?


It can be only done via visualization or a simple file backup/sync,

because the motherboard, cpu, gpu and pretty much everything uses a different driver, there is no way that you can simply clone it and sync changes directly.

There are 2 ways to achieve what you want however, one is to have a virtual machine running on both of the computers, via VMware player, you basically install an operating system on a working machine, (a windows running inside windows), or using para visualization where you don't have an operating system, but a hypervisor on top of witch is an operating system (VMware ESX). 

Another way, what i would probably do, because it keeps more performance, is to set up folder synchronization. Meaning all projects, files on set folders will backed up and synced. Most software makes it easy, and you only need to sync My Documents, Desktop, Pictures, Downloads, and you are fine, unless some dick software stores its saved projects somewhere else then you have to manually set that up as-well.