Symphonic Black Metal Bands

I have developed an interest in Symphonic Black Metal bands after I was far interested in Melodic Death Metal. I would like to hear recommendations for symphonic black metal bands from you guys instead searching for months trying to find the best ones, I would appreciate the help. I encountered some recommendations on the melodic death metal thread that classify as symphonic black metal bands, and I have yet to hear them. A symphonic black metal band I heard of like 5 years ago was Dimmu Borgir. I was listening to them when In Sorte Diaboli was new.

Bands I currently listen to now:

  • Stormlord
  • Abigail Williams
  • Carach Angren
  • The Bishop of Hexen
  • Vesania
  • Bal-Sagoth
  • Dimmu Borgir
  • Emperor

Bands I have yet to hear are (Have not heard them yet):

  • Chthonic
  • Cradle of Filth

I will listen to them soon, but for now, I would appreciate if you guys help me out by giving me some recommendations for symphonic black metal bands, thank you.

These range from different types of melodic to symphonic black metal

Dusk and Her Embrace - Cradle of Filth (Say what you will i think everything prior to Damnation and a Day were GOLDEN)

Hecate Enthroned - The Spell of the Winter Forest

Abigail Williams - Into the Ashes

Emperor - I am the Black Wizards

Dawn of Ashes - Carnal Consummation in the Empty Space

The Kovenant - Chariots of Thunder

Mirrorthrone - So Frail

Close enough to symphonic to me. Seen these guys live a few times now and they kick ass every time.

Cool thanks! Some I've heard of, but never listened to. I'll listen to them as soon as I'm done listening to Stormlord. There are many bands that I've heard of but never listened to, but I'll need to make an effort to listen to them once I hear about them.

Wow, thanks! Never heard of this group, I'll give it a listen.


Funny you mention Moonspell. Their first album (Wolfheart) was actually folk black metal.

Bishop of Hexen is really good.  My phone won't let me paste the video here for some reason, though.

I can find it on YouTube, no worries.

Here's a Few More,

Apostasy - Sulphur Injection

Diabolical Masquerade - Blackheim's Quest to Bring back the Stolen Autumn

Agathodaimon - I've Risen

Evilfeast - Lost Horizons of Wisdom

Burzum - Dunkelheit (here's a classic if you don't already have this)

Yeah they have been changing a lot. Not a bad thing I suppose, Full Moon Madness is still one of my favorites.

Thanks, but I have to ask: Which of the bands you mentioned are focused on satanism/ anti-Christianity/anti-religion, and which ones are focused on fantasy/ mythology/ warfare/ epic tales, and if not fitting with and I've mentioned, what other themes do they cover? Sorry for the long question, but I had to know.

Antestor's The Forsaken is a really good symphonic/melodic black metal album (more melodic than symphonic, but there are a lot of keys involved) if you don't mind Christian bands.  Their newest one has more of a Behemoth feel.

It depends cause i would say the GOOD Majority of Black Metal Lyricism revolves around Anti-Christan Lyrics / Nature / Norse Mythology.

But it i really had to break down the lyrics of each band i recommended it would be this

Cradle of Filth - Vampirism and Dark Romantical Lyrics

Hecate Enthroned - Anti-christian Lyrics

Abigail Williams - Minor Anti-christian Lyrics

Emperor - Anti-christian Lyrics / Alittle bit of Norse Mythology

Dawn of Ashes - Anti-christian Lyrics

The Kovenant - Anti-chrisitan Lyrics, then later focuses on Futuristic Topics or Armageddon

Mirrorthrone - Lyrics that revolve around death sort of.

Apostasy - Anti-christian (sort of)

Diabolical Masquerade - Nature / Anti-christian lyrics

Agathodaimon - Vampirism, Death, And Anti-christian lyrics, these also varie theres more.'

Evilfeast - Nature and a Bit of Anti-chrisitian lyrics

Burzum - HUGE Emphasis on Norse Mythology

Anti-chrisitan Lyrics comes with the territory of Black metal. you are guaranteed to have at least one song that revolves around Anti-Christianity coming from a black metal band.






Arcturus may fall into this category as well, but they're more avant garde.

I'd classify Cradle of Filth more as gothic metal, but they do kind of straddle the line between the two.

thanks a lot, saves the work of spending a day of research. thanks again.


Antestor, the Christian Unblack metal band? I haven't listened to them yet, since I just got into black metal right after melodic death metal.

I actually have the first 3 Cradle Records, Principle, Dusk and Vempire on disc, Those are definite Black metal records with huge gothic metal influences. there's pictures of the band members with corpse paint and all the nine yards in the booklets.


Yeah.  The Forsaken is probably one of my top five black metal albums.  It has Hellhammer on drums too.

If you're looking for symphonic metal in general, Epica is really good.  They fall more into the melodic death/gothic metal category.  Dragonlord is a good symphonic black/thrash band.