Symlink to multiple directories

I want to run my minecraft server from /tmp but of course don't want to lose the save if my computer crashes.
Can I use symlinks to point to 2 places from a single folder?

Do you want something like this?

a -> b
a -> c

ty for the great representation, I wasn't sure how to do that.

You can do something like this:

ln -s /path-to/b /path-to/a
ln -s /path-to/c /path-to/a

The result is:

$ ls -F a/
b@	c@

If your concern is to lose the save file, you can always back up it, using the tar utility and cron.
You can manually backup a dir like this

tar -cvpzf /BackupDirectory/backupfilename.tar.gz /ImportantData/directory/path


tar = tape archive
c =  Create
v =  Verbose mode
p = Preserving Files and Directory Permissions.
z = This will tell tar that compress the files further to reduce the size of tar file.
f =  It is allows to tar get file name.

Next step will be to create a script file ( to automate the process:

TIME=`date +%b-%d-%y`        # This Command will add date in Backup File Name.
FILENAME=backup-$TIME.tar.gz # Here i define Backup file name format.
SRCDIR=/imp-data     # Location of Important Data Directory (Source of backup).
DESDIR=/mybackupfolder            # Destination of backup file.

To schedule a task in Linux you can use cron jobs. For setting up cron jobs we use crontab -e command in shell, the first time you use that command cron will ask you the default text editor, just pick the one you prefer.
Open cronab editor utility:

crontab -e

Format of Crontab.
It has 6 Parts:

Minutes    Hours     Day of Month   Month     Day of Week     Command
0 to 59    0 to 23      1 to 31    1 to 12      0 to 6      Shell Command

Let’s assume I want to run the backup process on every Mon and Sat at 1 pm.
Using the above syntax my crontab file should be something like this


01 13 * * 1,6 /bin/bash /

This script will run at 01:01:00 PM at every Monday and Saturday.

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Why do you want it ran in /tmp anyways?

here is my for my server. i have it tar everything so if anything goes bad i just untar it and start the server again.

cd /home/$USER
tar -czvf MC-Backup-$(date +%m-%d-%y).tar.gz .Minecraft_Server

this makes a file in my home drive with the title MC-Backup-07-31-15.tar.gz the date will change to that days date.

I then have deja dup backup my home drive to my nas (my tar file is being store in my home drive)

my temporary solutilon was this.
watch cp -R /tmp/MonsterServer/world/ /home/katamari/