Hey guys, I'm new so thanks! I am finally making the switch to PC gaming and I'm excited. I have been told building a pc is the best option so that is what I'll do! My budget is $850, I will be playing Arma 2, Skyrim, BF3, Rome: Total War 2 and games like those, so if you can help by putting together a build thank you. I only need an OS included, no monitor or keyboard or mouse. Windows 7 or 8 is fine, whichever y'all prefer for gaming. Id did like to be able to run high settings, but whatever is possible for the price will do. Thanks again
First off, are you willing to build a work-in-progress computer that you can keep upgrading later? This will help determine if you can afford to get higher end core parts (such as mobo + CPU) while adding in a GPU later.
The OS is up to you some people like Windows 8 some don't. The FX-6300 is a beast for Arma games since there CPU intensive you get about the same as an i5 would, considering the FX-8350 doubles the i5's performance in Arma 2 OA.
Windows 8 Pro is the way to go now, especially when using utilities like Start is Back and with Windows 8.1 allowing boot to desktop. My vote goes to Windows 8, as long as you avoid the Modern UI.
Wow, very quick replies. Kuhchuk, I'd like to just be able to build the whole thing all at once, I guess in the future I'd upgrade to be able to play new games. PumpkinsMurder, thanks that looks good! And also thanks IwonFTW, windows 8 it is
I agree with IwinFTW.
throw in a 120 ssd that would be a nice screaming little build. :)
win 8 out performs win 7 gaming wise . ui just sucks