Switching from console?! Help

I just sold my xbox 360. And im saving up for a pretty decent pc. Im going into highschool next year and need a pc for schoolwork/gaming. I dont know how much i should spend, What video card to get, so im pretty much a noob. im thinking about spending $1200-1400. I dont know what to get and i dont need peripherals. Any ideas?

What resolutions you planning to play at? What games? By school work I assume just Word documents, PowerPoints and the like? Gonna OC?

Just a suggestion based on your price range and the fact that the AMD 300 series isn't out yet. So depending on when you're planning to purchase the GPU and other things may change.


Should be a good build. Once the 300 series comes out I may recommend one of those. Also if you're planning to play at 1080p look at the nVidia 900 Series. Although personally, I wouldn't buy one.