Sweetpacks virus!

Hello and good morning tek syndicate community. Recently i've encountered some issues with " sweetpacks " malware. I probably came upon it in pirate bay only place I can think of I do which might expose me. But I use AVAST and Malwarebytes. I went ahead and removed it completely from my browser ( homepages,add-ons,bookmarks ) the works. I also scanned my laptop a handful of times on each program, deleted a couple things here and there. I thought I had handled the issue but apperently not. I constantly receive notifications from Malwarebytes indicating they blocked IP addresses trying to acess me and the sweetpacks add-on continues to reapear on my browsers when I haven't used any torrents in last three weeks.

What else could I do? 

More antiviruses, or find the virus yourself and delete it yourself

Any recommendation for an anti-virus? I've attempted searching for it, no luck.

Just any programme you can get your hands on. Just make sure you delete all of the antiviruses at the end. There is one I would recommend but; I cannot remember the name to save my life at the moment

Is it bad to have multiple antiviruses? I currently always use two. Is that too much?