Swedish equivalent of the FCC is cracking down on zero-rating

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) is saying that some service providers that are not counting certain social networks or music services towards your bandwidth cap are not complying with EU regulations.

Furthermore, they are saying that the fundamental idea behind the regulations is that all traffic should be treated equally.

The thing that the agency seems to have the most trouble with is that Telia, in this case, is letting people access the services that are not counting towards your bandwidth cap even after your cap is reached. Basically blocking parts of the internet but allowing access to others.

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Lmao, first they have ridiculously high cell prices in the Baltic region, then they introduce data caps (as the only ISP in Finland that has them afaik) and then they piss on net neutrality. Nice job Sonera/Telia do you buy consultation from Telstra?

Another bad thing about them is that, even though the law only requires them to keep records of their customers for 6 months (data retention laws), they are keeping them for 26 months.

Oh, and also earlier this year they sued another ISP in fin whos' ad slogan was "no stupid data caps" - and won 150k€ because admittedly Telia/Sonera was the only ISP with data caps...

Being nordic myself, all i can say is that Telia is horrible, they got more customer complaints than all companies combined has.
They're trash and don't use them.

Good. Glad to see some other places are getting on to this. We have it here in Ireland too and I am just waiting for the farce if a lawsuit over it. It would almost certainly lose here.

But as a ranty aside. American sneezes and Europe gets a fucking cold. Why is it that fuck all gets done here until america tests the waters. Be it good or bad if it passes muster in the bland of the free we end up with it here soon after. I wish individual countries actually acted individually rather than being told to jump and asking how high.

Usually it goes that the companies have to try the american money grabby strategy in europe, and if i goes, it goes.
Pziser(I think theyre called), has just been fined ALOT in Britain believe it was i may be wrong though on the country, cause they tried the "American dream" strategy where they raised the prise on some stupidly cheap medicine(which was life saving for epilectic patients) by buying a company, then selling the production of said medicine to the company raising the price near infinity percent.
Hammer of justice hit them in the forehead though for several millions dollars.

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Thing is the american model doesn't work here, we have consumer- and competition authorities that hands those companies' asses to them if they offer unfair services.
Ofc that plus heavy taxation results in entrepenourship being a lot harder to grow and profit, and that's why young and bright minds who want to form a successful business, the first thing they usually do is move to the US.

*cough intel *cough billions in fines *cough

To me it's crazy that TeliaSonera went with it. They obviously knew it was illegal but did it anyway. That company seems to be rotten to the core, they had a corruption scandal that as far as I'm aware hadn't completely resolved yet. It means that calculated that whatever fines they could get were low compared to the amount of customers zero rating would bring. Those anti-competitive practices are so often done by the biggest companies because they know that authorities are inefficient so they can gladly break the law until it goes to court. I mean, when gov authorities give you a warning and you ignore it knowingly that you break the law, such thing should give even higher fines. But the problem is, as far as I'm aware swedish state owns some big chunk of the TeliaSonera, so ultimately taxpayers or retirement fund owners will pay for this bullshit, and TeliaSonera bosses will collect millions in paycheck bonuses, they're laughing all the way to the bank!

Brexits. Brexits for everyone.

I must say when i first came to Tek syndicate and read the forums i was completely blown away by the stupid data caps you had in the US and Australia on residential connections. I was very much used to data caps on mobile but if you got ADSL or even fiber and only got 300GB or what ever its just ridiculous.

As for the zero rating it's not only Telia that's in some trouble the ISP Tre did the same thing with streaming music and have already backed down before PTS decision after Telia lost their similar case.

I just wished Telia/Tre stop taking inspiration from the horrid ISP in the US and instead looked at Bahnhof who actually takes the fight in the courts and protects the consumers privacy. It seams to work as they currently have some pretty bad capacity problems at peak hours due to the increased amount of customers. However the problem should soon be fixed for all customers when Northern Light 17 gets completed (NL 17 is their new backbone and will consist of redundant 96 channel, 100Gbit/s connection to every major city the operate in, 35 citys atm) .
Hopefully this will decrease the price of there gigabit plan so i can upgrade to it (84 USD is a bit to expensive since i don't really need it 98% of the time)

Context ?

Well the swedish FCC is saying that the ISPs are breaking EU law. The EU law seems retarded. So I think sweeden should exit the EU.

I think everyone should exit the EU until the EU quits their bull shit.

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