I was going to get a x380 and swap it in on my home server that has an i3-530. questions:
- Do i require ECC ram.
- Can i use the original i3-530 stock fan? Looks the same as my 4770k fan.
I was going to get a x380 and swap it in on my home server that has an i3-530. questions:
I would not get a x3480, it is not worth 80$ used
you can get a dell optiplex 7010 or 3010 AND a e3-1225V2 or a e3-1230V2 for the cost of that CPU alone
can you use the same cooler, yes and no, the cooler will fit but will not be enough to cool twice as much heat
The x3480 is the strongest Xeon that is compatible with my server mobo. Its really only a file server. I don’t put much demand on it. The on’y other thought is maybe and i7-830?
It will work without ECC assuming the board does and yes your cooler will work, back in those days they made coolers with copper slugs and they were over specced.
Worth asking Why upgrade though. Do you need a CPU upgrade? Has the server workload changed / maxed it out? If not I’d save your money and look at a full platform upgrade as your next big step. At this vintage you are wasting money upgrading 11 year old parts, the gain would be marginal. Also still only a Quad-Core.
With 32bit support over i wanted to get up to a quad-core cheaply. I’m not really interested in doing a full build upgrade.
Maybe an embedded board or something but i havent looked at at anything.
Cross check between the mainboard and chip, for memory. Last thing you need, is “one accepts – other rejects”… I wouldn’t entertain [immediately] using, the same HS, without confirming its thermal rating – be more inclined to go beefier regardless
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