SW Battlefront or BF1

Which one should I get? I like Star Wars a lot and the graphics look awesome. But I'm also interested in the new conquest mode of BF1.

Have any of you guys played both, and if you did, which one did you like more?

I just have to post this here.

in HDR... the graphics here look the best that I've seen in a video game, ever. Color me impressed.

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get the original battlefront. more game there than in the remake or the new BF


Seriously? I'm surprised. I guess the value of gameplay is more important than graphics, to which I would agree.

Reminds me of an old game I used to play countlessly, Rune: Viking Warlords. It had many nuanced elements like hacking in it. You could hack a non-dedicated server, by switching the level and changing the variables of the admin password. So you can login and script the game in real time, and even create your own fully realized levels. It was pretty neat.

Also the competitive community was awesome. You could get in heated battles that last for 10 minutes with swords, and one wrong move... you're dead. In the regard of a skill based game, that game is totally overlooked. I feel like it's one of the best multiplayer skill based games released since starcraft and cs go.

I remember being at the top of my game, and being unstoppable against the noobs. It would count your killing spree... I broke 100. lol

I would definitely be playing that, but the game is unfortunately dead online.

Let me make it simple for you:

SWBF original: 32v32 multiplayer, tons of mods and game modes, full campaign and lite 4x conquest mode

SWBF remake: basically a full-price demo or open beta, "full game" is more than $110 and counting

BF1: as above, but the rebellion is DLC and nothing works like the source material

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Yeah, but is the online community solid?

Also you made a good point. I hadn't considered that BF1 was the only one with the campaign, in contrast to SW BF.

If you want pure gameplay and a solid online community just play quake live or join the ut4 alpha for free man. no need to waste your money on this garbage.

ooo UT4. Nice. I will check that out :).

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Don't play games because they are a waste of time and money...

But if you want to get one, then I'd pick Star Wars Battlefront out of the two. I think it's on sale right now (if not it's on sale frequently) for only 30 bucks to get the ultimate edition which includes all the dlc. I've played quite a lot of it and I find it pretty enjoyable.

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Gotta balance work and play.

Sometimes it's nice to just relax and play video games. I rarely do, but it's fun for short 30-40 min bursts. I'm not really an all day type of gamer, like when I was younger.

Both those games are cash-grabs. At least with BF1, they bothered to put in some resemblance of a campaign. With BattleFront, the best you have is a skirmish mode against your computer.

I see what you did there..

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I can see BF1 PC dying at March-Aug at the lack of progress in fixing it

Honestly I would throw money into:-

  • Dirt Rally (Linux client coming 2017)
  • Insurgency 3 Sandstorm (Coming 2017)
  • Insurgency 2 (current release on steam often USD$2.50-USD$8)
  • Ground Branch (www.groundbranch.com)
  • project argo (free from company that did Arma 3)
  • Ets2 (often USD$2-USD$8)
  • City Skylines (USD$5-USD$11)
    maybe even squad if you like revamped Project Reality

What's wrong with BF1? Haven't played it, but damn does it look fun

I assume there are lag/latency issues.

Just wait for Rising Storm Vietnam. Being a huge fan of both Battlefront and Battlefield the newest 2 were pretty disappointing. They play and feel almost exactly the same.

But if you had to choose I'd say battlefield. Way more to do much more entertaining and they are keeping up with cheaters still unlike battlefront.

BF1 'cuz Battlefront is so dumb down and bare bones.

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I only have it on console, but BF1 is better. SW you run around and can't kill anyone and have to earn XP from dying to get any upgrades and even then its pretty shit. BF1 you have a chance at any point plus the single player is hilarious.

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I have not played BF1 but I played Battlefront.

There are tons of camping spots, and people will just stay at those spots and kill everyone. If your team is able to control those spots it's basically game won. Single player sucks. And the new weapons that got released have similar performance to the original guns. Also in SP, the AI does not change tactics when setting it to a different difficulty, the damage delt is just multiplied. Also, the AI rapes you by having the guys with the machine guns run around in a cluster. I could have gotten great times in blast or whatever it is called, but the darn machine gun chain gang keepers cutting me down.

If you want a Star Wars Experience, get Battlefront, if you want a historic theme, get BF1. They are both alright games. I have and enjoy both. I put 93 hours into Battlefront (only got the dlc after I put in 90 hours), and 38 hours into BF1. Both are fun. I think you can get the Battlefront complete addition for less than $60 now.

I have both, I had both on launch day. Star Wars is absolutely fantastic for about 4 hours. Battlefield however does have an edge on the multiplayer, IMO. I was hooked, racked up about 48 hours in the first week and then it fizzled out and now i haven't touched either of them for ages. If you want a good looking game with good multiplayer, I've really enjoying Rainbow Six: Siege. Very competitive and the community isn't very toxic either. Good level of skill needed and it's only getting better.

Star wars for me was boring asfter the first hour, its a very casual game, BF1 is pretty good but if like me you are into more realisitic simulator style stuff.. then it can get a bit "run and gun" pointless at times with snipers spawn killing you instantly.