Survey about "the deep web" and web control

Hello fellow forum-goers.
As a part of an ongoing project i've made a survey regarding internet-control and "the deep web". The questions are kept to a minimum, as they mostly serve the purpose of learning from a large user-base, not necessarily one who wants to answer a 100+ question sheet. Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to answer.

took it

Just took it. it was easy enough.

say can you post a link to your results when this is all over, just interested in the results of the survey i just took.

I'm with Dalekhunter.


i don't understand question 4 & 6.

4: foodchain -> plants consume sunshine, animals consume plants, humans consume animals. I'm having a hard time finding anything on the internet that relates to this metaphor. The internet interconnects people and we benefit from each other, so it's closer to a symbiosis, with the occasional parasite. Nobody is on top: Not even governments or tech firms, because either or both are easily replaceable. Also Society encompasses all, so there can't really be a hierarchy, if you only got one member.

6:The premise of the question is wrong: Allot of people know about the deep web considering that it requires considerable* technical expertise to use.

*considerable in relation to average tech-skill of a citizen

I agree with Dalekhunter.


I have used the Deep Web but I never commonly use it as I don't need access to those various web sites.

I agree with Dalekhunter because everyone else is, I didn't bother taking the survey.



Also, I just wanted to say Dalekhunter.


